Shinseki Resigns Amid Veterans’ Health Care Issues

sVeterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has resigned amid widespread troubles in the VA health care system.

President Barack Obama says he accepted the resignation with “considerable regret.” He and Shinseki met in the Oval Office on Friday morning.

Shinseki had faced mounting calls to step down from lawmakers in both parties.

Shinseki’s resignation comes two days after a scathing internal report found broad and deep-seated problems in the sprawling health care system. The system provides care to about 6.5 million veterans annually.

Shinseki is a retired four-star Army general who has overseen the VA since the start of Obama’s presidency.


3 Responses

  1. There is absolutely no reason for General Shinseki to resign. As Secva it was not his job or duty to ensure that much lower subordinates do their jobs honestly. The blame should go no higher then the VAMC Directors who are Senior Executives and actually could have been transferred to far off places by their supervisors. Everyone is discussing new legislation to enable the Government to fire the directors but a transfer to Alaska or Fargo, ND would have encouraged them to resign or in any event gotten them out of their position.

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