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Sharpton To Lead Rally With Dead Teen’s Family

sharpThe Rev. Al Sharpton will head back to Ferguson, Missouri, this weekend to march with the family of a teenager shot to death by police.

The activist preacher told members of his National Action Network on Saturday that authorities in Ferguson “smeared” Michael Brown by releasing what they said was a video of Brown robbing a convenience store.

Police and about 200 protesters clashed in the St. Louis suburb late Friday after another tense day that began with authorities identifying the officer who fatally shot the 18-year-old Brown as 28-year-old Darren Wilson.

Brown’s death had previously ignited four days of protests.

Sharpton plans to broadcast his radio show live from St. Louis on Sunday. Then he plans to attend a rally with members of Brown’s family.


5 Responses

  1. What kind of country is this where a black man can’t rob a convenience store and block highway traffic in peace; this definitely calls for a mighty demonstration!!!

  2. Mr Sharpton why dont u go to North Miami to protest they should give out the 2 blacks who murdered last Shabbos morning Rabbi Raksin (raskin) for no apparent reason just a hate crime

  3. dooalldel,

    I agree but he would not as the person murdered in cold blood is a Jew and as we know according to good old Al…Jewish blood is cheap not like his own kind who commit crimes and refuse to surrender but rather provoke the police. I am beginning to wonder if some of these blacks are jihadists in disguise to bring down our symbol of democracy? Hey just thinking out loud….

  4. Being a “Racist”, means differentiating people by the color of their skin. Just as people with different hair colors are all the same, so to are all skin colors. But you Mrs. Sharpton( he doesn`t look like a man) are the biggest “Racist” by definition! your forever isolating Black people!

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