The Macher Makes it Online: Online Portal Launched for the Orthodox Community

10432937_534911573275199_7573960803794366545_n[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] Launched barely six months ago, The Marcher USA has quickly become the largest classified ads website for the Orthodox community online, with thousands of ads updated daily: jobs, apartments for sale or rent, vacation rentals, a huge database of real estate in Israel…As well as the more conventional classified ads The Macher also brings together the various business, religious services and gmachim for the benefit of the community.


 Providing a kosher and ‘clean’ environment, The Macher is unique not only in checking the content of ads but also advertising, such that users can be sure standards of tzniut are strictly adhered to on the website.   Mrs Yehudit Pniel, one of the founders of the website, says “I found it time consuming  looking for things on the internet: either it wasn’t appropriate to me as a religious person, or I had to look in lots of different places – assuming I could find it online at all. I found myself wishing there was a kind of  a one-stop-shop where I could find what I needed easily and without having to worry about coming across inappropriate content.” And so the idea for The Macher was  born.


 Instead of hunting around several websites or relying on paper ads hung up here and there, The Macher brings together thousands of ads aimed at the needs and requirements of the religious community in one place: kosher vacation rentals, services for simchas, second hand goods, sheitels, sofer stams,the list goes on. The Macher also provides access to the largest database of job ads targeted at the Orthodox community: One can even send a CV in application to jobs straight away with a few simple clicks! The website also has an advance search facility to narrow down search options to focus on just what’s needed, saving time and hassle. All of the ads on The Macher are free, whether to place an ad or to reply. By asking users to register, The Macher can keep an eye on who is using the website and make sure it maintains high standards of modesty.

The Macher also prides itself on its great customer service: “We try to reply to emails as soon as possible so that no one is waiting around for an answer. It can be a bit of gamble asking for help online, you never know when you might get a reply, assuming you get one at all. From day one we decided we were going to do things differently, and put a great emphasis on replying as soon as we can”, says Ruth Lapidus of The Macher’s Customer Service.


 That the website is both easy to use and easy on the eye is evidence of the professionalism of the team behind The Macher. “A lot of websites for the Jewish community looked a little basic shall we say, and we thought the community deserved a little better. It would seem our users agree – we’ve been taken aback by the response and the postive feedback!” continues Mrs Pniel. “The website is continually growing and changes according to our users. Whatever it is you’re looking for, you can probably find it on The Macher!”

 But don’t take our word for it, check it out for yourself:

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