Israelis Don’t Want Chareidim in the Coalition

degAs the Knesset prepares to begin the winter session a poll was taken to determine a number of issues, including if the tzibur would like to see the chareidi parties in the coalition government. The winter session is set to begin on Monday evening 3 Marcheshvan.

As coalition tensions surrounding the controversial Giyur Bill continue amid preparations to open the Knesset winter session, a poll was conducted to determine how voters feel about bringing the chareidim into the coalition as a necessary move to prevent the coalition from falling and having to go to general elections. The poll was conducted last week. 63% of respondents do not wish to see chareidim brought into the coalition while 24% support such a move. 51% of respondents oppose elections and 30% support heading to the polls. 42% of respondents believe the current coalition will survive the winter session and 40% predict the session will be the current Knesset’s last.

The polls also shows that Minister Naftali Bennett leads when asked to rate voter satisfaction among elected officials, earning a rating of 36%. In second place with 32% is Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu followed by opposition leader Yitzchak Herzog in third place. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni took fourth place with 26%, followed by Finance Minister Yair Lapid with 22%.

The public believes PM Netanyahu is the most suited for the leadership post, earning 24% support as compared to Naftali Bennett with 12%, and Livni & Herzog with 9%. Gideon Saar and Moshe Kahlon, both former Likud ministers aligned with Likud and left to take a break from politics. Each earned 6% while Yair Lapid only pulled 4%.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “Like duh”

    The zionist parties got over 90 out of 120 seats in the last election. Most Israelis are zionists. They feel that with 90 our of 120 seats, the zionist leaders should be abel to form a government with inviting in non-zionists (or Arabs, though they don’t mind those Arabs who support the zionist government). Remember the whole idea behind zionism was to create a country where Jews could be a people free (עם חופשי) from the yoke of Torah, so of course most Israelis, who happen to be zionists, don’t want the hareidim in the government.

  2. Talking truth to power is always bound to make the public and ex fortiori the pollsters uncomfortable

    But they’ll grow to appreciate it as they always have done

    “Comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable”

  3. Leadership isn’t about following the crowd, it’s all about going against the crowd/consensus

    (a greater question is:are the charedim prepared to govern?

  4. “how can you say that you dont want chareidim in the coalition and not support yesh atid”

    Bringing in charedi parties to the governing coalition might be the best thing to happen for Yesh Atid’s election prospects.

  5. Maybe as chareidim we should examine our interactions with Acheinu Bais Yisrael to determine if we are making a kiddush Hashem. Perhaps that may help. Then again, it’s always easier to blame the other…

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