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PA to Observe 10th Anniversary of Arafat Assassination

arafatFor PA (Palestinian Authority) leaders and residents, the death of PLO founder Yasser Arafat YS”VZ was an assassination, rejecting official documents that state otherwise. The official version in the PA is that Arafat was drugged and killed by Israel. He did not die of illness is known to be the case.

In light of the current political climate, one can expect the day to be accompanied by additional Arab violence while in Ramallah, the day will be marked with ceremonies and remembrance of the arch terrorist. Arafat’s picture is seen throughout Ramallah, on official buildings, in taxi cabs and in stores, as PA residents’ salute the man who gave birth to the fictitious entity known as the Arab Palestinian people.

In Ramallah, Fatah officials interviewed by Channel 10 News state plainly that “There is a new intifada in Hebron, Shechem and other areas”, stating unequivocally that the armed struggle has not ended, but it is being renewed. Some former Arafat officials state that the deceased terror leader was far for flexible than Abu Mazen, the current PA leader, who they insist will not give Israel a grain of sand without receiving something in return.

The man who brought the world airplane hijackings, suicide bus bombers and Islamic terror was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and is now a legend.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Pnei Hakelev!!! Assur lhistakel ! He killed my cousins. Please take his smiling picture off of this reputable “frum” website.

  2. My close relative, very high up in Government, told me years ago there was no doubt he died of AIDS – and not because of drug use (although he did that too.) This perverted, evil man infected himself.

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