Former IDF Chief Rabbi Ronsky: We Never Boycotted the Chareidim

ronskyFormer IDF Chief Rabbi Avichai Ronsky, who is a contender in the Bayit Yehudi party primaries, insists the dati leumi party never boycotted the chareidi parties in the outgoing Knesset as some believe was the case.

Speaking with Kikar Shabbos, he explains his decision to enter Knesset is premised on the his feeling that he can have a greater influence on society from inside the Knesset as opposed as working in a civilian capacity. He added he is not certain if this is so as compared to being a rosh yeshiva, which he left to become IDF Chief Rabbi, and now he feels it is time to leave his shtender to enter Knesset and serve in this capacity. He stresses that if he sees he cannot impact change from inside the Knesset, even after a short period, he will step down for it is not about being an MK but having an ability to effect change.

“I am not a youngster but closer to pension but there is no retirement in Olam HaZeh and B’ezras Hashem I will be matzliach and if not, I will return to where I am today”.

Regarding allegations that Bayit Yehudi boycotted chareidim, he responded “Chas V’sholom, there was no such thing by us. We were boycotted by the prime minister. No one wanted to be in the coalition but as a result of a keen play we got in and accomplished a great deal. There was no alternative other than accepting Yair Lapid. The next government will be dati leumi and chareidi and of this there is no doubt…”

Regarding the drafting of chareidim, Ronsky explains he feels everyone should serve but he does not believe one should be forced and he does not back criminal sanctions but “by achieving an understanding that we must all be partners in this milchemes mitzvah. To learn to serve. I still serve in the reserves who why is there a contradiction? Who will protect our nation?”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Likud was quite happy to form a government with Bayit Yehudi and the Hareidim. It fell because Bayit Yehudi inisted on conscripting yeshiva students, and including Lapid in the government. If Bayit Yehudi agreed to prohibit penal sanactions for yeshiva students who don’t go in the army, the Likud led government would again be secure. An added benefit to the Dati Leumi voters is such a government would be more sympathetic to their settlements in the West Bank than one dependant on “moderate” or “centrists” such as Livni or Lapid.

  2. Once again, #1 isn’t letting mere facts get in the way. Following the previous elections Bibi made it perfectly clear that he DID NOT want Habayit Hayehudi in his coalition (it seems that his wife detests Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked). And the charedi politicians – just sat and sniggered and wouldn’t move a finger to assist ‘the Mizrachniks’. So Bennett formed an alliance with Lapid and the rest is history.

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