Statement On Vaccinations From The OU And Rabbinical Council of America

vaacnOrthodox Jewish parents, like responsible parents across the United States, overwhelmingly vaccinate their children against measles, mumps, rubella, polio and the other childhood diseases for which inoculations are now almost miraculously commonplace. As in many communities, a small minority of parents chooses not to do so. The ongoing measles outbreak demonstrates how this could bear very serious consequences, not only for their own children but others’ too, especially those medically unable to be vaccinated. The Orthodox Union (OU) and the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) strongly urge all parents to vaccinate their healthy children on the timetable recommended by their pediatrician.

Parents who choose to not vaccinate often cite a medical study that purported to link autism and the MMR vaccine. The study was discovered to be fraudulent and was withdrawn; its lead author was found to have acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly,” and his license to practice medicine in Britain was revoked.

Judaism places the highest value on preserving human life. It is well known that those facing even a potential life or death situation are instructed to set aside the Sabbath and other key tenets of halachic (Jewish law) observance until the emergency has passed. Prayers for good health and for the complete and perfect healing of the ill are an ages-old aspect of Jewish tradition. But prayers must go hand-in-hand with availing oneself of medical science, including vaccination.

There are halachic obligations to care for one’s own health as well as to take measures to prevent harm and illness to others, and Jewish law defers to the consensus of medical experts in determining and prescribing appropriate medical responses to illness and prevention. Therefore, the consensus of major poskim (halachic decisors) supports the vaccination of children to protect them from disease, to eradicate illness from the larger community through so-called herd immunity, and thus to protect others who may be vulnerable. The vaccination of children who can medically be vaccinated is absolutely the only responsible course of action.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Why are they sticking their noses into something they know nothing about? There are legitimate concerns on both sides. I wonder how many hundreds of hours they spent researching this like the thousand of parents who are anti-vaccine? Since there is not one long term study on the safety of vaccines beyond a few mere days, you cannot expect parents to blindly follow the government which is bought off by the 100 of billions of dollars the drug companies make on vaccines. They simply have no right to dictate to others until the government carries out JUST ONE long term double blinded study. This is absolutely absurd on the OU’s part and only shows their ignorance in this field. FOLKS, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS…..

  2. stam a deya apparently YOU have not done any research either. This past Chol Hamoed HaRav Binyomin Eisenberger Shlit”a gave a shiur on the topic of vacinations, and based on extensive research that he did do, bot halachically AND medically, he felt that the Poskim would pasken in our community that it is requitred to vaccinate. Im sure that the Rabonim of the RCA and OU did do research before issuing their statement. If you ask them they may even share their findings, but stating on a blog that the they don’t know what they are talking about is ridiculous, because they MAY just have done hundreds of hours of research of the last several years

  3. Not sure how someone who chooses to NOT vaccinate can endanger the life of those who are vaccinated. With so much money on the line for pharmaceuticals its no wonder this issue has been clouded. Get advice from a doctor who is honest about vaccines. They will give sound advice to navigate this one.

  4. To “stam a deya”: you wrote: “They simply have no right to dictate to others…”. First, they do not dictate anything to anyone. They strongly urge people do vaccinate their children. There zero studies showing any connection between vaccinations and autism, or between vaccinations and negative consequences. Unfortunately, the current stories highlight the connection between lack of vaccination and very deadly diseases. You probably also know that smallpox, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough, measles, and several other diseases have been largely eradicated through coordinated vaccination efforts. Do you want your child to contract one of these diseases? If yes, please keep your children away from my children. Thank you.

  5. stam a deya- you sound like an ignorant fool. Vaccines work and the proof that it work is that measles was eradicated from the US in 2000. The false statement made by the anti vaccine DR were proven false.

  6. To commenter no. 2: The answer to the question you posed in your opening sentence is: So nudniks like you will get themselves and their children vaccinated.

  7. #4 I have done my research and reached my own conclusions. Sorry if it doesn’t conclude with Rabbi Eisenberger shlit”a. Many Gedolim Reb Chaim, Reb Shmuel Kamenetisky, Reb Elya Ber have already ruled it to be dangerous. So, he can fight it out with them.
    #5 No. Simply take 1000 vaccinated children and 1000 not vaccinated children and follow them for 20 years and see who develops autism, who develops cancer, learning disabilities etc…They have not done this simple study. What are they afraid of ?
    #6 – Doctors are trained only in the virtue of Vaccines from medical schools which are supported by pharmaceuticals..
    #7 – Google around and you might just be surprised by what you find. These diseases have been falling from the early 1900s even before vaccines were introduced.
    #8 – Go do some research how many have died from measles and how many have been injured from vaccines. are you aware that there is a special court to pay for vaccine injuries paid out by a surcharge on your vaccine. Billions of dollars have been paid for injuries.
    Here in Lakewood, Dr. Shanik who champions vaccines was asked 6 months ago and he admitted he doesn’t know too much but he relies on Dr. Fenster his former partner. And Dr. fenster relies on Dr. Offit – the king of the pro-vaccine movement. Google Dr. Offit and cbsnews about the millions he has made off vaccine. Now go trust these people with your children’s health. Good luck to all !!!

  8. The last major measles outbreak was in 1997. 55,000 people got the measles. Awful, right? How many died from it? 120 (if I remember correctly, I posted this here before). It came out it 0.02% That’s right, less than half of a percent.
    How many Americans die from heart disease? Approximately 1 in 7. How many of you are freaking out about that? Have you made life style changes? Are you all exercising for at least 20-30 mins at least 5 times a week? Eating healthy?
    Why are they saying to vaccinate, and ignoring the real danger here? The OU and RCA should be demanding people to take better care of their own health. The vaccines do have side effects, and they are not 100% effective. 12% of the people who got measles from Disneyland were vaccinated. That makes it only 88% affective.
    Maybe the CDC is making a huge issue of it to call attention away from the fact that hospitals and some businesses made the flu shot mandatory or they would lose their jobs, and the flu shot was worthless this year.
    Do your own research. Follow the money trail to find out why recommendations are made. Be informed.

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