Yishai: If Lapid Removes Criminal Sanctions from Draft Law We Can Sit With Him

yishaiYachad party leader MK Eli Yishai visited Elad on Wednesday, 22 Shevat to attend an election kenos. During the visit he told the tzibur that if the Yesh Atid party lifts the criminal sanctions component of the chareidi draft law then Yachad would be willing to enter a coalition government with the party. Yishai met with and spoke to many so-called ‘working chareidim’, those members of the chareidi tzibur who work and feel Yahadut Hatorah does not represent their interests.

Yishai also shared how he merited being close to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L for thirty years, especially during the past 14 years and how he merited joining Maran at a Shabbos or Yomtov table.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. About Time says: I just saw your post, so it’s a bit late, but Litzman and Gafne, months ago, both said the same thing about Lapid and Bennett. Gafne recently said the same about Labor.

    Herzog said they won’t sit with Likud (which is a good thing for all of us, since they won’t be in the government), Leiberman said this about Labor. Lapid, a while ago said it about various parties, like the Chareidim and Likud and then backtracked weeks later.

    Israeli politics is a three ring circus and you see much more of it living here.

  2. #8cont..

    Unfortunately UTJ politicos did seem overly “chummy” with meretz and labor the past couple of years in opposition
    But that could laid at the feet of the politicians,who fortunately, are mostly convenient proxies sitting in for their Guides until it comes to The Big Decisions

  3. #8]

    If you would be specific charedi MKs ,you’re comment might perhaps have some merit.

    but collectively it is false.

    the only party that arguably was equal or worse the lapid was Meretz

    When has UTJ ever sat with Meretz?
    (They did sit together[wait for me to finish my indigestion] in Barak’s govt in ’99,but they walked out after barely two months)

  4. This election has seen so many party leaders saying that they won’t sit in a government with this or that party and if they meant it, there could never be a government and things would be utter chaos and dangerous for everyone.

    Yishai does do things with Daas Torah and Daas Torah who are NOT Nogeah B’Davar. Is it really Daas Torah when the Rov involved is effectively the head of a specific political party?

    Also, Chareidi parties over the years have sat in governments far worse than Lapid. All anyone had to do is give them money for their specific organizations, Not even to mention the corruption. So, if all the Chareidi parties and politicians actually followed Daas Torah as is claimed, there would never be a hint of corruption of any kind.

  5. Why is rav mazuz not daas Torah?
    Sitting in a coalition does not mean you agree on everything otherwise you’d be the same party.
    Chances of lapid in a Bibi led coalition are very slim.

  6. I have a suspicion that UTJ and Shas are not principled about the penal sanctions the way Yachad (especially Chetboun) are. Meaning, UTJ and Shas will support a government that allows penal sanctions if in addition, large funds are dedicated to the yeshivos and poor, large hareidi families and conversely will not cooperate with a government that dismisses penal sanctions but also refuses the benefits.

  7. Once you drop penal (prison or fines) sanaction for refusing to serve in the army for yeshiva students, it would become poltitically and legally necessary to extent the exemption to people with other objectins (which includes most Arabs as well as many left-wing upper class secular Jews). While you use non-penal sanctions (denial of access to government benefits such as university attendance and public house) to discourage draft refusal, it would make more sense to announce you have a volunteer army and instead offer positive incentives to recruit soldiers (which also requires a constitutional change since Israeli law regards many veterans benefits as illegal on ground of being discriminatory against non-veterans).

  8. 1. The same holds true of Shas and Yahadut ha-Torah.

    2. Lapid, at this point, has nothing to do with penal sanctions. It is now part of the Israeli constitution. What he is really saying is that he’ll only join a government that agrees to amend the Israeli constitution to eliminate the penal sanctions for refusing to serve in the army. It doesn’t matter if Lapid agrees, it is what the new prime minister and his coalition agree to do.

    3. Abolishing criminal sanctions for hareidim who refuse to serve, probably means allowing anyone else the option of refusing to serve (and most of those who refuse/evade conscription are other than hareidim). If there is no longer a “burden”, sharing it is no longer an issue.

    4. Yachad has only one option to join the government (they are too far “right” on security matters to join a Labor government, but Shas and Yahadut ha-Torah could, and will, support a Labor-led government that agrees to abolish penal sanctions.

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