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Israel’s Netanyahu Declares Victory In Tight Race

bibIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country’s next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that “against all odds” his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a “great victory.”

Initial exit polls showed Netanyahu’s Likud Party deadlocked with the center-left Zionist Union (Labor).

But the results indicated that Netanyahu will have an easier time cobbling together a majority coalition with hard-line and religious allies.

Netanyahu said he had already begun to call potential partners.


Polls closed in Israel a short time ago, at 22:00, bringing an end to the voting for 20th Knesset.

The following is the Channel 2 News exit poll, which was conducted by Dr. Mina Tzemach:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Likud: 28 (18)

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15) (6)

Arab Bloc: 13 (11)

Yesh Atid: 12 (19)

Kulanu: 9 (-)

Bayit Yehudi: 8 (12)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yahadut Hatorah: 6 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0

The following is the Knesset Channel Exit Poll:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15)(6)

Likud: 26 (18)

Arab Bloc: 13 (11)

Yesh Atid: 12 (19)

Kulanu: 10 (-)

Bayit Yehudi: 9 (12)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yahadut Hatorah: 6 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0 (-)

The following is the Channel 10 News exit poll, which was conducted by Prof. Camil Fuchs:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Likud: 27 (18)

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15)(6)

Arab Bloc: 13 (11)

Yesh Atid: 11 (19)

Bayit Yehudi: 8 (12)

Kulanu: 10 (-)

Yahadut Hatorah: 7 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0 (-)

The following is the Channel 1 News exit poll, which was conducted by TNS Teleseker:

Parenthesis indicates number in current Knesset:

Likud: 27 (18)

Labor/The Movement: 27 (15)(6)

Yesh Atid: 12 (19)

Arab Bloc: 12 (11)

Kulanu: 10 (-)

Bayit Yehudi: 9 (12)

Shas: 7 (11)

Yahadut Hatorah: 6 (7)

Meretz: 5 (6)

Yisrael Beitenu: 5 (13)

Yachad: 0 (-)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / AP)

20 Responses

  1. The hareidim won’t join unless they are exempted from conscription (at least from penal sanctions).

    Yisrael Beiteinu and Yesh Atid (which is sounding more and more “left” but that might change) won’t join unless the hareidim are drafted and subject to criminal sanctions if they refuse.

    He either has to convince the hareidim to either join the army, or willingly go to jail – or convince his secular allies to let the hareidim learn Torah to their heart’s delight.

    Sounds like an opportunity to do some magic, but not like a won election.

  2. They say that there is a huge amount of Heimishe votes that went to Likud and Labor.
    The vast majority of the Oilom has no faith in these Heimishe parties and view the leaders as money hungry.
    The people are unhappy doing nothing all day and having to Schnorer at every occasion.
    So, in the privacy of the voting booth, they do what they feel.

  3. Prime on the agenda and a deal breaker ought to be the “Jewish Nation” Bill

    The “Jewish Nation” Bill was the real reason
    for the downing the previous gov’t -just ask livni and lapid

  4. a7 had channel 1s exit poll as yachad getting 4


    finally came out of hiding?

    the big story here is yesh atid dropped to 12 and bayit yehudi dropped to 8 or 9

  5. My Buba fell down this morning when brushing her teeth and hurt her knee and bruised her toe too.
    She wasn’t able to vote due to this but she did her bit by saying Tehillim

  6. If this holds true, there will be one angry Kenyan in the White house. How dare Bibi speak to the Congress without his highnesses permission?

  7. At #4 “They say” you have an extreme dislike, a high contempt and a laughably immature understanding of the Charaidi community. Actually “you” pretty much say it yourself.

  8. Yishai’s Yachad party add only two Chareidi MKs. The other two are religious zionists. So the Chareidim have a net loss in MKs from last time even if Yishai gets in.

  9. Dinner for two at Le Marais- $150
    1 Gallon of Gasoline – $2.23
    Hand made Shmurah Matzos – $22 Per lb
    The look on Obama face when he learned Bibi won- Priceless
    There are some things money cant buy, for everything else there is Mastercard

  10. 2:07 a.m. The returns on voting from ballot boxes indicate that the Likud has significantly extended its lead over Zionist Union.

    According to Israel Radio, officials have counted the votes of 25 percent of booths across the country. The results indicate that the Likud wins 32 Knesset seats while Zionist Union garners 25 seats.
    Not so close anymore. Likud leading significantly.

    Yesh Atid is the third-largest party with 11 seats, Moshe Kahlon’s Kulanu faction wins 10 seats, the Arab List nosedives to nine seats, the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas movement wins eight seats, Naftali Bennett’s Bayit Yehudi dips further to seven seats, while Yisrael Beytenu, which has only mustered five seats, climbs to seven.

    United Torah Judaism wins six seats while Meretz rounds out the list with five seats.

  11. It is interesting for me to read these posts. I have little to no understanding of the intricacies of the different jewish sects and political ideology that separates them. As a very conservative, born again Christian, who is absolutely interested in a strong Israeli nation, I am hoping that Netanyahu will win over the masses and be a strong opposition to the heathen muslim nations that seek it’s demise, and pray that Americans will vote (in 2016) to elect a strong supporter of Israel, and one who fears God. This so called leader we have now is an abomination, and a self righteous dictator who is bringing destruction to both our nations.
    Blessed is the man who walketh not in the council of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

  12. #12
    Skip the externals,will you?

    Some (unlike most of BY )will fight for our values even better ,without the whole garb

    Psalm 119:63

  13. Somebody do the math. It looks like N can easily put together a coalition with the chareidi parties, Kulanu, and Bennett.He’ll have over 60 seats. Kulanu is only interested in finances and cheap cell phones, Bennet wants some power, and the Charedie want to survive. so I think they can get along.

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