Ex-CIA Chief Will Be Sentenced For Leaking Military Secrets

petFormer CIA Director David Petraeus, whose career was destroyed by an inappropriate incident with his biographer, was expected to be sentenced Thursday in federal court in Charlotte for giving her classified material while she was working on the book.

Petraeus will appear at the sentencing, which comes two months after he agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material.

The plea agreement carries a possible sentence of up to a year in prison. In court papers, prosecutors recommended two years of probation and a $40,000 fine. But the judge is not bound by that and could still impose a prison sentence.

The agreement was filed in Charlotte, where Paula Broadwell, the general’s biographer, lives with her husband and children.

The affair ruined the reputation of the retired four-star Army general who led U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As part of his deal, Petraeus agreed not to contest the set of facts laid out by the government.

Prosecutors said that while Broadwell was writing her book in 2011, Petraeus gave her eight binders of classified material he had improperly kept from his time as the top military commander in Afghanistan. Days later, he took the binders back to his house.

Among the secret information contained in the “black books” were the names of covert operatives, the coalition war strategy and notes about Petraeus’ discussions with President Barack Obama and the National Security Council, prosecutors said.

Those binders were later seized by the FBI in an April 2013 search of Petraeus’ Arlington, Virginia, home, where he had kept them in the unlocked drawer of a desk in a ground-floor study.

Prosecutors said that after resigning from the CIA in November 2012, Petraeus had signed a form falsely attesting he had no classified material. He also lied to FBI agents by denying he supplied the information to Broadwell, according to court documents.

Petraeus held the CIA post less than a year, not long enough to leave a significant mark on the spy agency. The core of his identity has been a military man.

A Ph.D. with a reputation as a thoughtful strategist, Petraeus was brought in by President George W. Bush to command multinational forces in Iraq in 2007, a period when the war began to turn in favor of the U.S.

Petraeus’ command coincided with the “surge” of American forces in Iraq and a plan to pay Sunni militias to fight al-Qaida in Iraq.

With American help, the Sunni tribes were able to push out insurgents and enable U.S. troops to withdraw in 2011. Those same Sunni areas are now controlled by the Islamic State group, which evolved from the remnants of al-Qaida after Iraqi’s Shiite-led government proved weak.


6 Responses

  1. Petraeus gave his mistress eight binders of classified material including the names of covert operatives, the coalition war strategy and notes about his discussions with President Barack Obama and the National Security Council.

    He lied. And he lied again.

    $40k and 2 years probation? He should be in prison for many, many years. And he should forfeit his retirement.

    $40K??? Not close to real justice.

  2. Petraeus was not spying for another country, admitted his guilt, and professed remorse. (It’s $100K, not $40K).

    Pollard spied for another country, refused to admit his guilt, and shows no remorse.

  3. #1 & # 2

    First, he was considered in the Washington one of best military strategist of this generation.

    He made an grevious unnacceptable mistake.

    He is getting punished enough

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