Members of the Lehava organization that combats assimilation in Israel were detained by police after they took part in a protest against a missionary event in Yerushalayim.
Two members of the organization were taken in by police on Wednesday night the eve of 22 Tammuz after they protested by the Old Train Station in the capital while a Christian kenos was being held. Lehava officials explain the event was missionary in nature.
When some of the protesters tried entering the event police detained two of them. They protesters were carrying signs “Missionaries = a Palestinian viper snake in Israel” and “Missionaries out!”
Lehava head Bentzion Gupstein told Kikar Shabbos “I am thankful to all those committed to HKBH who came to protest like Pinchas did. Unfortunately we did not see elected chareidi officials protesting. Lehava will continue to monitor the actions of these wicked missionaries wherever they go”.
According to the Facebook page of the organization that held the kenos and will hold another in coming days; “The annual gathering for youths around the country and the world for a three-day event to praise Yeshu, pray, study, and connect. The goal is to always come with a ready heart to meet Yeshu and to give oneself totally”.
The organization’s website has notices in Hebrew, Arabic and English and is speaking to the young primarily. The website adds that due to the law prohibiting proselytizing to the young, any participant under the age of 18 must bring a parent consent form.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
2 Responses
How would Saudi-Arabia or Iran deal with such missionaries? Once again the Zionsts have proven they are NOT a Jewish state as they claim.
Missionaries have no place in Eretz Yisroel with their vile avodah zorah. The fact that anti-missionaries can be arrested for protesting them shows that Medinat Yisroel under zionism is as much galus as anywhere else.