For HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Kol Berama Radio is Now the Enemy

yyoLast week, YWN-ISRAEL reported that Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef prohibited Kol Berama chareidi radio from broadcasting his shiurim. This is because the station is affiliated with former Shas party leader Eli Yishai, who Rav Yosef feels has betrayed the path of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L.

At the weekly motzei Shabbos shiur on the eve of 3 Kislev, a Kol Berama Radio personality attending the Yazdim Shul shiur was ousted by the rav’s followers amid shouts of “traitor” and “rosha m’rusha”.

The ruckus compelled the rav to interrupt the shiur as he tried calming the situation, but after the person was ousted, the rav spoke out harshly against the radio as well. Some of those present referred to the attack at the radio station visitor and his subsequent ousting a “Chilul Hashem”. The rav did rebuke those present for attacking the Kol Berama personality.

There was another outbreak a short time later. Mekubal Rabbi Shmuel Binayahu, who spoke prior to Rabbi Yosef, intervened and tried to calm the situation. Rav Yosef then stepped in and told the tzibur “I forbid you to become involved” followed by additional harsh words against Kol Berama, explaining the station refrained from broadcasting the shiur for a year but now wishes to “interfere”.

The rav’s used extremely harsh terms in his descriptive attack against the radio and some persons by name.

The radio’s statement in response: We are saddened to see criminals with yarmulkes trying to prevent speaking the shiur of Maran Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Shlita and this is despite expressed approval from Maran, to broadcast the shiur on Kol Berama, both written and verbal. We plan to seek justice regarding those criminals and a police complaint will already be filed this evening.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. uncle ben. I am French, and usually does not reply because of my poor English, but this story lie biased against rishon letsion Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef
    By diffuse i mean broadcast on the radio
    By concurent i mean Competing radio station.

    French mistake

  2. Mr. Barlev, who is Rav Ysthak?
    Do you know what the words diffuse and concurent mean?
    They don’t fit in with your sentences.
    What are you trying to say?

  3. Stop publicizing lashon hara! And Especially about a talmid chacham! You people have no idea what is going on behind closed doors, to cause people (especially talmidei chachamim like R’ Yosef) to speak or react the way they do. There are many things we do not know always remember that.

  4. This is no true!

    Kol barama a year ago have bannied the shiur from the radio because of political reason, and disrespect the gdoley hador rav ysthak and chacham shalom cohen.

    Now the “personality” from kol barama have come to diffuse the shiur!! Why now? Because radio kol hay the concurent radio begin to diffuse the shiur! That it!! And people just rightly trow him out!

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