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Ariel Sharon’s Blind Vision Regarding the Gush Katif Expulsion

sharon.jpgDuring his recent visit to the Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky showed visible emotion as he exhibited solidarity with the victims of the 2005 Gush Katif expulsion.

During the visit which took place on Thursday, 28 Adar-II, Sharansky explained he was a member of the cabinet in 2005 when then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the expulsion from Gush Katif. Sharansky explained “I was a government minister at the time and I asked Sharon why the expulsion. He told me it would bring quiet for ten years and I told him we will not have quiet for ten days”.

Sharansky wrote in the museum guest book, “It is important to keep the joy of those days and the pain will take care of itself. One cannot understand why but it is important to remember and not return to this tragedy. Am Yisrael Chai. Thanks to everyone who is preserving the Gush Katif story for Am Yisrael”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This article brings back the hurt anew!
    Yiddishe families were torn out of their homes: literally dragged out! Their homes were given away to the arabs! And this was all on land that the government encouraged Yidden to buy and develop. This was a major tactical error on the part of the government.

  2. It made no sense to build a settlement not contiguous to Israel proper and surrounded by millions of Arabs. It was a waste of Army resources and a danger to the families that lived there. All who moved there knew that they were living in a disputed area. When you but near an airport you can’t complain of the flight noise.when you but in a disputed war zone don’t complain when your community is shuttered.

  3. It made no sense to build a settlement not contiguous to Israel proper and surrounded by millions of Arabs. It was a waste of Army resources and a danger to the families that lived there. All who moved there knew that they were living in a disputed area. When you buildnear an airport you can’t complain of the flight noise.when you build in a disputed war zone don’t complain when your community is shuttered.

  4. It was not a waste of Military, Now we have Hamas digging tunnels. Better have an army there and keep the land for Israelis. Palestinians had employment like in the areas held by Israel in other places.

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