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Despite it All, Significant Growth in Yehuda, Shomron and the Jordan Valley Communities

yoshAccording to the Yesha Council, there were 421,400 residents of Yesha areas at the end of 2016 with a growth of 3.9%. The city with the most growth in 2016 is Betar Illit (5.6%) followed by Modi’in Illit (5.3%) and Ariel (2.5%).

The report adds that over the past decade, the average annual growth in Yesha stands at 4.7%, which is over twice the national average, which stands at 1.9%.

As far as religious preference, the permanent trend continues with almost equal groups of a one-third secular, one-third dati leumi and a third chareidi in those areas. The data also shows 60% of the residents of Yehuda, Shomron and the Jordan Valley live in so-called settlement blocs and the remaining 40% in other areas.

The largest communities in Yehuda and Shomron in order or larger to smaller are Modi’in Illit, Betar Illit, Maale Adumim, and Ariel, with a combined 183,908 residents, representing 43% of Yesha’s population.

There are 91,592 residents living in local councils (22%), and 145,909 residing in regional councils (35%).

The community with the largest growth is Eli Zahav in the Shomron with a 23.7% growth in 2016 followed by Beit Aravah in Megilot/Dead Sea (21.2%), Mashchiot in the Jordan Valley (20.9%), Sansana in Har Hebron (17.4%) and Saalit in the Shomron (17.3%).

The numbers also show that 53% of all residents of Yehuda, Shomron and the Jordan Valley are over the age of 18 as compared in Green Line Israel where 73% of the residents are over 18.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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