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TA Mayor Huldai Maintains his Anti-Chareidi Slant

Addressing a Tel Aviv city council meeting on Monday addressing the growing popularity of Chabad in the elite Ramat Aviv Gimmel neighborhood, Mayor Ron Huldai said the magic words, what his supporters wanted to hear, condemning the activities of the shluchim in that area.

The mayor tried playing the wise politician, not wishing to voice his opinion, but after a round of boos from the audience, he boldly announced the shluchim are “irritating” and he disapproves how they wait for students to leave school, then approaching them with their material. He stressed the importance of Tel Aviv remaining a “free city for all”, and condemned the use of harsh language to oppose that which is perceived as objectionable.

Spearheading the anti-Chabad meeting was Councilman Reuven Lediansky, who fears the Chabadnikim are “brainwashing” the youths of this prominent upper class Ashkenazi neighborhood, the bastion of Tel Aviv secularism. Huldai opposed the meeting, not wishing to be compelled to express his views, but the councilman prevailed and the rest is history.

Interestingly, the mayor feels that harsh words should be avoided, but his recent verbal attack against chareidi chinuch seems to have been a break from that policy.

Yahadut HaTorah Councilman Naftali Lubert did not remain silent, lashing out at Lediansky and his anti-Chabad agenda, accusing him of “speaking like an anti-Semite”. Lubert pointed out that the tzibur remains silent as Arabs buy homes in the Jaffa area of the city, but when Chabad comes and tries to spread yiddishkheit, there is an outcry.

Lediansky however was unscathed; telling his colleagues there is cause for concern for Chabad has brought a mikve and kindergarten classes, as well as classes in yiddishkheit for adults. He rejects the standard Chabad ritual of having passersby put on tefillin, concerned over for the well-being of the secular lifestyle. “Some are even persuaded to attend Torah classes” he exclaimed in a worrisome tone.

The Lediansky camp remains disappointed, insisting Huldai is not doing enough to protect their lifestyle and keep Chabad out, fearing their influence is spreading and action must be taken by City Hall before it is too late.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. “Lediansky however was ‘unscathed'”??????? Bem’chilas k’vod toroso, you’ll have to start writing with a dictionary and thesaurus. There’s simply no choice!

  2. IF Chabad has increasing popularity, they wouldn’t have elected someone who feels that we are his misfortune.

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