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Gavaad Yerushalayim Seeks Assistance from UK Tzibur IN Regards To Emanuel

Gavaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita has sent a letter to Gavaad London, HaGaon HaRav Akiva Padwa Shlita, to do whatever he can to assist the askanim arriving in London who are seeking assistance in the Emanuel Beis Yaakov case.

The Gavaad explains that the children who were not accepted in the Beis Yaakov were rejected because of their lifestyle, not because of their ethnicity. The High Court of Justice ruled as it did, and as a result, the parents are truly in a difficult situation.

The Gavaad asks that the tzibur do whatever it can to assist the askanim arriving in London doing what they can to assist the Emanuel families.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. The character assassination of a tzibbur of Balai Teshuvos continues. It would have been real nice if before the Gava”d makes such statements he would send a team to Emanuel and investigate the situation for himself. This is another example of how שנאה מקלקל השורה. The hatred for the decision and role of בג”ץ has led to this, no doubt. But at some time, cooler heads will prevail, and a חשבון הנפש will pursue. I know that a number of you will say, it’s one fanatical guy who brought all of this forward, it’s nonsense, there is no racism. 35 percent Sefardi. I heard all of this but there are more than 450 families that were left on the other side of the fence (90%). It is time for the truth to come forward. Why did Rav Yakov Yosef get involved? Because a Chasid from Ger was asked to donate to build the fence and was horrified with what he heard. He contacted Rav Yakov Yosef. What was Shas’s reaction to this when they heard about it? See the Shas Web Site on this and have a look at the gate that went up.
    So in due respect to the Gava”d במחכ”ה he should get his facts straight.

  2. I think you have the wrong Rabbi Padwa
    I find it surprising that the head of the Eida Hachareidis should approve of a chinuch atsmoi school which takes government money and most likely learns subjects which are anathema to it which i believe include learning English and chumash rashi.
    Although the Gaavad and Rabbi Moshe are excellent english speakers they dont approve of it in Israel.

  3. I live in Emanuel

    I looked at the picture on the Shas website above.

    That is a picture of the door of the fence that surrounds the entire school. It has been there for 25 odd years, since the school’s founding.

    It is not inside the school grounds. All schools have fences around them.

    The wall that has been discussed had a door in it. It was not just a wall, it had a door so the teachers that work in both schools could go back and forth, on the second florr of three floors.

    It was quickly taken down.

    So now they are photographing the fence that surrounds the entire school and calling it a separation fence. But it surrounds the entire school grounds.

    Please visit Emanuel and take a look around.

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