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Unbelievable Discovery Unearthed At WTC

Excavations teams at the World Trade Center site unearthed the hull of an 18th-century ship Wednesday.

Workers first found the wooden remnants on Tuesday morning, and by Wednesday the outline of the ship became apparent.

It is believed the ship was most likely buried there, along with other debris, to extend the lower Manhattan’s shoreline from old Lindsey’s Wharf and Lake’s Wharf further into the Hudson River.

Archeologists from AKRF, a firm hired by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to document artifacts found at Ground Zero, call the find significant. But they said further analysis of all recorded data would be needed to to determine the age of the ship.

Teams were seen measuring wooden planks that seem to make up the lowermost deck of the presumably early to mid-1700 vessel.

They say it appears the vessel’s hull was deliberately sawed off and the size of the ship could be about two to three time longer than the section found on Tuesday.

Archeologists also uncovered a 100-boat anchor and a metal collar that appears to have been part of a steam mechanism or oven.

The area where the ship was uncovered, about 25 feet below street-level and between Liberty and Cedar Streets, was apparently never excavated for the construction of the World Trade Center, and workers were preparing the site for a future underground vehicle center.

In 1982, an 18th-century cargo ship was uncovered near the waterfront at 175 Water Street.

(Source: WPIX 11)

5 Responses

  1. Unbelievable????

    Much of lower Manhattan is landfill. All sorts of things were thrown in. If anyone ever wanted to tear down lower Manhattan they would find all sorts of items (the same being true of any “old” city). There’s no hiddush. It’s interesting, but not “unbelievable” (now finding a ship under Boro Park – that would be unbelievable).

  2. They’ll probably find that this ship was navigated purposefully into a building that once existed on the shore, by an Arab captain and crew, striking at the heart of the ‘evil empire’ to protest the future support of the US for Israel.

  3. Kosherkid: how did u know that is exactly what happened.:-p
    Ani Tapuach: Ahhh it is Noah’s Ark as well as the QE 2

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