New Poll Shows Cuomo Crushing Paladino

Carl Paladino needs “more than a minor miracle” to catch up to Andrew Cuomo, according to the pollster for Siena College Research  Institute, which this morning said the Buffalo business man is now 37 points behind the Democratic frontrunner.

The latest poll shows Cuomo with 63 percent to Paladino’s 26 percent, with 9 percent undecided.

And given the controversies that have dogged Paladino the past few weeks, voters are increasingly saying they just don’t like him. He is now viewed unfavorably by 69 percent of the likely voters surveyed, compared to 34 percent for Cuomo.

Also among the more telling indicators of trouble for Paladino, 64 percent of upstate voters view him unfavorably compared to 29 percent who have a favorable opinion of him.

In a head-to-head matchup between Cuomo and Paladino among upstate voters, Cuomo leads 57 percent to 33 percent.

The poll results depict a Paladino campaign unraveling after weeks of candidate self-acknowledged mistakes, controversial remarks several topics, relentless attack ads by Democrats and what the Paladino campaign says has been unfair coverage by many New York media.

Noteworthy, though, is that the new poll is based mostly on responses by voters who were telephoned in the days leading up to this week’s gubernatorial debate on Long Island. How, or if that gathering might have affected the overall standing won’t be known until the next poll is released within a week or so.

“Cuomo leads by 59 points in New York City, 25 points in the downstate suburbs and 24 points upstate. He leads by 22 points among men and 50 points among women. He leads by better than two-to-one among independent voters, and even has the support of 30 percent of Republicans, while Paladino has the support of just nine percent of Democrats and 26 percent of independents,” said Siena pollster Steve Greenberg.

Greenberg said Paladino’s unfavorable rating is at a lower level than Gov. David Paterson ever witnessed in his ratings among New Yorkers. And 69 percent called him a “loose cannon.”

While Republicans are making in-roads in congressional and state legislative contests in New York, Democrats would win all the statewide contests if the election were held today, the new poll found.

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(Source: Buffalo News)

10 Responses

  1. Problem is that this lunatic is going to drag down good Republican statewide candidates. Ultra leftist Eric Schneiderman would become Attorney General. G-D help us.

  2. I guess people prefer a slick candidate to a natural, flawed one.–Spoiled by too much TV watching.

    Paladino is just a plain, regular guy, a businessman, who wants to straighten things out in Albany and take the shackles off business in New York State–More jobs.

  3. Although Paladino is clearly NOT the most “polished” politician (and I think that perhaps that should be viewed as a positive thing and not a negative thing)
    it is very sad indeed, that someone who represents what were just considered as normal hashkafos 30 or even 20 years ago, is now considered too fringe right-wing by most New Yorkers to be electable.
    HaSh-m yirachaiym…

  4. A vote for a socialist liberal democrat workers party member is a vote for Obama & higher taxes, no matter what race it is.

    Vote for AMERICA & not democrat!

  5. It’s all over but the shouting. True to form, New Yorkers will vote for the most liberal, despicable candidate on the ballot. It’s as “New York” as Coney Island, Yankees, and Nathan’s Hot Dogs.

  6. #3 sane conservative,

    The “ultra leftist” just endorsed government funding for religious schools.

    #8 locknload,

    You really think that the person who distributes pornographic emails, threatens journalists with violence, and comes into an Orthodox synagogue to criticize prominent Orthodox rabbis is not despicable? There is a reason Paladino is losing by a landslide and it is that his midot don’t reflect our values!

  7. 1. We don’t elect government officials: “Lev milachim, b’yad HaShem.
    2. Even if they listen to surveys and polls in developing their platforms and policies, in the end “b’dereck she’Adam rotzeh leilech, bo molichin oso.”
    3. Therefore, regardless of expected outcome vote. Vote Jewish ideals not politicians promises. Our ratzon can change much as it is not in “their” hands, but in “His” hands.

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