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Neo-Nazi Rally Planned In NJ, Watchdog Group Warns Venue Owners

The CliffViewPilot reports:

A two-day neo-Nazi conference – capped by a rally on the steps of the Statehouse in Trenton – is being planned for New Jersey, possibly without the host even realizing it, a watchdog group that monitors right-wing groups and individuals told Cliffview Pilot.

Following Wednesday’s NJ State Police arrest of a Bergen County man accused of threatening the head of New York’s Anti-Defamation League comes the warning from One People’s Project to venue owners that the National Socialist Movement could surreptitiously approach them to hold a planned April 15-16 conference somewhere in the state.

The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is also planning an April 16 rally outside the Statehouse from 1-5 p.m., with upwards of 150 members already committed to attending, according to the Philadelphia-based organization.

“As has been the case with white supremacist meetings in New Jersey, the NSM is keeping their convention location a secret,” Daryle Lamont Jenkins of One People’s Project told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

“It is likely that they are using a different name to dupe a venue into hosting them,” Jenkins said. “It is recommended that these venues are particularly mindful of any bookings for April 15-16, in the event that this unwanted booking might be taking place.”

Jenkins said the NSM is “known for having criminal elements in [its] leadership, including Indiana State Leader John Snyder, a convicted sex offender who was currently a fugitive and was once profiled on America’s Most Wanted; Bill White, the NSM’s former communications director, currently in federal prison for communicating threats against various individuals he had political disagreements with; and the NSM leader, Jeff Schoep, who has served time for burglary.”

The NSM also once claimed as a member Jacques Pluss of Ridgewood, who was arrested Wednesday morning following a State Police SWAT team raid on his apartment. He is charged with emailing threats to Abraham Foxman, director of the ADL’s New York regional office.

As Pluss was being arrested on charges of bias intimidation and harassment, State Police said, a search turned up three rifles — a violation of a restraining order filed in state Superior Court in Hackensack. Weapons charges followed.

One People’s Project got a voice message from Pluss in November 2009 “angry about efforts to oppose the speaking tour stop in the NY/NJ area of British Holocaust denier David Irving,” said Jenkins.

Pluss, 57, who once won a court challenge to his posting Third Reich flags outside his home, made national headlines when he was dismissed as an adjunct from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Pluss also has called Jews “the most insidious sub-human enemy of Western Civilization itself…. Liquidate them wherever you find them. If they hide, search them out and execute them.”

(READ MORE: CliffView Pilot)

2 Responses

  1. Not worth responding… ask a Rav if you should acknowledge (ie protest) or if it’s even permitted to write comments acknowledging them.

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