NY Times Refused To Publish Goldstone Retraction

Yedioth Ahronoth reported Monday that a source close to Goldstone stated that in the past few days the judge had approached the editor of the New York Times opinion pages requesting to post the article he wrote in the paper – and was told his article was rejected.

The editor gave no explanation as to why the article was rejected, but the source believes this was due to the newspaper’s political agenda.

The letter was ultimately published in the more conservative Washington Post over the weekend.

The New York Times said in response that they do not comment on the editorial or reporting process. In recent years the New York Times adopted a highly critical line of reporting towards Israel. Lately, its senior commentator Thomas Friedman has been publishing extremely aggressive articles against Israel and its current government.

The source also said that since the publication of the Goldstone Report two years ago, the judge and his wife have been socially ostracized in Jewish circles, which has caused them a great deal of sorrow.


It should be noted that although the NY Times did not publish the actual retraction article (alleges), they did report about it once the mainstream media reported it (see here).

8 Responses

  1. Your Royal Highness,

    Yes, they publish trash like the opinions of George Will, Kathleen Parker, and Charles Krauthammer.

  2. CH,
    At least the Washington Post publishes opinions from both sides of the isle unlike that piece of dreck that you call a newspaper NYT

  3. The new york times is dying make it have a swift exit. If the rasha is elected again he will bail it out. Lets vote for anybody by obama and let the nyt rest in peace. Self hating Jews which they always were

  4. “At least the Washington Post publishes opinions from both sides of the isle”

    Precisely my point. It is a better newspaper than the Times, whose reporters in the time leading up to the Iraq war bought and promoted the Bush lies on WMDs hook, line, and sinker. It isn’t a liberal/conservative thing, it is just shoddy journalism!

    And I also haven’t forgiven the New York Times for selling what was their wonderful classical music radio station. It was making a profit, just not enough of a profit to cover their other bad investments.

    That said, even the Times is a much better newspaper than the New York Post, which does not belong in a frum home.

  5. All that said, it isn’t clear yet that the Times is to blame in this particular case. Lets see how this story develops. Remember that we are dealing with the confirmed rasha Goldstone; it is entirely plausible that he did exactly what the Times claims and tried to send them a junk piece that said nothing that he had not said before, and that the piece eventually published in the Washington Post really was very different.

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