TEHILLIM – Yeshiva Bochrim From Williamsburg In Serious Crash In Israel; Two Listed In Critical Condition

A serious motor vehicle accident on Highway 1 in the “Jordan Valley” in Israel has left multiple people seriously injured – including two Yeshiva Bochrim from Williamsburg.

According to a Magen David Adom statement, the accident happened on Highway 1 between the Almog and Arava junctions just before Route 90.

The two vehicles collided head-on, entrapping some of the occupants. Rescue personnel needed to extricate some of the victims. Both vehicles were occupied by Chareidim. One had American Yeshiva Bochrim inside reportedly returning from Meron.

MDA and IDF Paramedics were on the scene treating the victims, and some were airlifted by IDF choppers. A total of four victims (from two cars) were seriously injured. Some were taken to Shaare Zedek and some to Hadassah Hospital.

MDA says that a woman in her 40’s was the most critically injured. Three Bochrim in their 20’s were injured – two of them critically.

Additional victims included a 19-year-old girl, 17-year-old boy and two children ages 16 and 2.

Please be Mispallel for Yitzchak Issac ben Sara Esther, Asher Zelig ben Rochel, and Zev ben Sima.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

22 Responses

  1. I’m confused. It says the most seriously injured was a woman in her mid 40’s yet her name doesn’t appear here in need of tehillim. Is that because she is a woman or is because she is Israeli and not from Brooklyn?

    Moderators Note: Wow. What hate when people are fighting for their lives. We will refrain ourselves “Chay1e”. When you get her name, we will gladly publish it. Shame on you.

  2. Shame on me????? Shame on you to not “bother” to get her name in the first place! How dare you accuse me of hate when you clearly missed the boat! You say she is the most seriously injured yet neglected to ask for her name? Look in the mirror and do teshuvah now that Elul is upon us.

    Moderators Note: We neglected to ask for her name? Do you know for a fact that YWN didn’t try getting her name? What a fool you are. Take out a Tehillim and Daven instead of making false accusations against us. The mere fact to even accuse YWN of not publishing a woman’s name on life support simply because she is a woman is despicable. Shame on you. You are a horrible and despicable person.

  3. Sad news story!
    May the שומר ישראל, the אב הרחמן, have רחמנות and send them all a רפואה שלמה.

  4. After reading this horrific news I can not believe the unnecessary animosity here. Please lets all take out our tehillims and stop thinking so negatively and don’t make unnecessary accusations. YWN I ‘m with you 100% on this one!

  5. midwoodmom: While I have had arguments with the Moderators, I believe your original post was uncalled for. Looking at the poster at the end of the article it only has the men’s names. That is the not the fault of YWN.

  6. Well if I am a horrible and despicable person, I am clearly not alone. Check out the comments on instagram. I find it difficult to believe that you tried to get her name yet no one would give it to you. You know the saying “the best defense is a good offense”. And just Btw I already did say tehillim for them plus for the unnamed woman. Did you???

    Moderators Note: Actually, we said Tehillim for quite some time before published, as we awaited word on a name – which by the way – we still are unable to get. Your friends on Instagram are just as demented as you. Shocking. The lack of being don lechaf zechus is appalling.

  7. May they have a refuah shelemah bekorov!
    Sad how this world has come to. Everything gets dissected and becomes a conspiracy, even on what you do NOT do!
    Obviously, the names of the bachorim were notified either by the Yeshiva, friends or family etc.

  8. I think the Moderator would have done better to simply not publish midwoodmom’s two comments instead of sinking to her level. The job of a moderator is to moderate not label a reader whose comment the moderator passed for publication a “horrible and despicable person”.

  9. To the lady from midwood:
    Many years ago I bought a book called ” The Other Side of the Story ” by Rebetzin Y. Samet. Start reading those stories,
    it will boggle your mind. You will be in total shock when you truly and honestly hear the other side.
    You could have posted a comment like, ” Does anyone know the lady’s name for Tehillim? Please post ASAP. Thank you”.

  10. Midwoodmom: Please! Stop the crazy comments!!!
    Theee lives are hanging in the balance and this is what you need to write?? Get your tehilim out and daven!!!

  11. Midwoodmom should have left the sarcasm out of her letter,and could have just asked in a polite way about the name,and did a disservice to a website that cares about Jews everywhere.
    But it saddens me to see the moderators response. I have admiration for this important website,and for the great job the moderators does in keeping everything in order.
    I do not blame them for being frustrated by this particular comment,especially when it seems as they know these injured people pretty well,and this is a real frightening time when someone close to you is so injured.
    But casting aspersions and calling names to stoop to their level will not help either.
    I really hope that you just take down this whole comment section,and let us pray and daven for the badly hurt Yiddem btoch shear Cholei Yisrael that they should have a refuah shleimah,and may Klal Yisrael stay united, and hear only good news.

  12. midwoodmom: I don’t have InstaGram. Did any of those posters have the woman’s name? BTW, the other websites also did not publish her name yet.

  13. Mi K’amcha yisroel! Midwoodmom is desperate to say tehillim and Desperately wants ywn to provide the name for tehillim. Ywn says Sorry, we’re working hard to get the name and still can’t.

    From another perspective, it seems like our father in heaven is sending us a message through Midwoodmom, that perhaps we could be more careful and sensitive in general, at all times, for all yiddin. Perhaps this year we can and must do better.

    Thanks Midwoodmom for bringing this to my attention at this crucial time, rosh chodesh ellul. I understand that the pressure and tzaar caused by this tragedy is too much to bear. Lets together beseech our father in heaven that this year already we should be zocheh to have the cohen gadol be makriv the sa’ir to atone for our sins.

  14. Moderators: You are always the first ones to post Tehillim names – man, woman, or child. This is so off the wall it would be funny if we weren’t discussing such issues. I admire you for posting the original response to the article. Unlike other “news” sites, you will post negative comments directed at you.

    Midwoodmom – as one mother to another, as a bubby and as a Chassidishe woman, I ask you – how can you assume such a thing? If YWN have the names, they post them. I still say Tehillim for Cholim I heard about HERE… for example, Tamar Adina bas Keina Shulamis, from Baltimore. THIS is where I read about the car accident and THIS is where I get my frum information. You SHOULD be ashamed… it might be better if you aren’t brave enough to apologize publicly, at least apologize privately. BTW… you really should read Rebbetzin Samet’s book. So should I.

  15. b”h they are much improved out of critical one is my grand sons chaver he visited him in hospital by the wayhe was also supposed to be in the car but he backed out

  16. To the indefatigable moderator:
    i think it’s your job to screen-out the hateful “Comments”
    in the future plz screen out the likes of “Midwood”

  17. It is very possible that the lady with the kids in the other car were not Jewish, and therefore there are no names for Tehillim. Just a possibility….

  18. midwoodmom- you really should be ashamed of yourself making such accusations without having anything to back it is not only reckless but stupid too I will be dan lekaf zchus that you were having a bad day and made a stupid comment but for everyones sake and for the zechus of the injured people from this terrible accident apologize publicly for your silly and uncalled for comment

  19. To czyrankevic:
    Thank you for the update. I am very happy to hear that they are out of critical condition. Thank you for the good news.

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