Rav Aviner Says ‘No’ To A Chavrusa Who Visits Har Habayis

In an interested psak halacha published on dati leumi websites and forums, prominent posek HaRav Shlomo HaKohen Aviner ruled that l’chatchila, one should not have a chavrusa who visits Har Habayis.

Rav Aviner feels even if one’s chavrusa is one of good midos, learning and other sought after qualities, his belief that it is permitted to visit Har Habayis will spill over into areas of limud and if this is the case, one should look for another chavrusa.

YWN NOTES: Gedolei Yisrael over the generations and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel prohibit visiting Har Habayis, which they explain carries the punishment of karess.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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