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Effort Underway For Mehadrin Seating On The Jerusalem Light Rail

A pashkavil circulating in Meah Shearim calls for separate seating on the Jerusalem light rail, citing the obvious lack of modesty that exists today.

The pashkavil instructs the Tzibur to only get onto the last car of the train, adding this is to be done “politely and without causing a Chilul Hashem.” It adds that by the fact the car will be filled with bnei Torah, it will provide a modest preferable atmosphere.

It also states to ask the “Dear daughters to select another area to sit and this will lead to increased modesty”.

As seen in the accompanying photo, it shows passengers where to enter and be seated to avoid confusion. MyNet Jerusalem reports that persons affiliated with the project reports the pashkavil was distributed in other areas outside the capital, including Btar Illit and Beit Shemesh.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Rav Moshe already paskened that it’s mutar to go on a crowded subway even though the train will move and make him bump into women. Apparently, these people are more frum than Rav Moshe or other gedolim who have never made a big fuss about these kinds of stories. Although this was done in respectful way, the extremists will now publicly humiliate immodestly dressed women who enter this car, and those who want to go into the “assur” cars. Why can’t people privately do their own extreme chumras and not push them or cause pain to others?

  2. This has nothing to with FRUMKEIT,but everything to do with leading empty lives and being bored out of your mind,
    we have here tens of thousands of young ignorant savages,who don’t learn who don’t work don’t help in defending their own families and country living on social welfare or from SCHNORING (begging) ,going out of their mind from boredom,they are busy all day long rioting and burning garbage in their own neighborhood or busy with running after women and checking out the length of their skirts or how tight their skirts are.
    These animals have given FRUM Jews a black eye,what a CHILLUL HASHEM

  3. Instead of worrying about the light rail what about the rugby scrum that takes place motzai shabbos at the Kosel bus loop? You have men and women jostling each other just to get on the bus

  4. I remember how the frum-machers tried to have mehedrian bus stops: one for men and another for women that ended in no one paying attention.

    Then there were the so called mehedrian bus lines that requested women to go to the back. My ailing wife was forced to go to the back so often until finally she cried. The courts ruled NO way, pay your money take your seat. Old folks get first seat (if you can get the attention of the young yeshiva boys who love to sit there.

    Now we have this stupidity.

    Why not work on your midos to curb your yetar hara and just not stare at women like most men are capable of doing????

  5. @daasyeshara You’ve obviously never been on the light rail during peak hours. There crowding is unbearable for everyone, and more so for people for whom serious contact with a random woman is uncomfortable. While I generally thing these efforts are crazy, this is one case where it makes sense. I have a hard time believing that R Moshe meant his heter for cases where contact occurs to this degree. I think if I’d even describe how packed it is, my comments would be modded.

  6. Daasyeshara, just because technically it is permitted in a bedieved situation doesn’t mean that if you shouldn’t look for a way to make it lechatchila. The gedolim usually back these types of things like mehadrin busses and the like.

  7. Is this a genuine news article?!? 🤣🤣 guys have to learn that a woman standing near you on the train is just another human being! Jeez. Control your urges guys. Man. This is mental.

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