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Miracle On Maalot Dafna Street

hstroller.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) Yesterday evening Hatzolah Israel volunteers responded to a report of a car accident on Maalot Dafna Street.

The first volunteers that arrived were amazed at what they saw. A car went out of control, drove onto the sidewalk, hit a tree, and trampled a baby stroller which was carrying at 3-month-old infant.

The parents of the infant were able to extricate their child from between the wheels of the car and then they began screaming. The volunteers of Hatzolah Israel calmed them down and checked out the baby. Miraculously, the baby was only lightly injured! What an unbelievable story!

The volunteers gave medical care to the driver of the car and two passengers of an additional car that were injured. All the injured were evacuated to the hospital by an ambulance of Magen David Adom.

9 Responses

  1. its a beautiful story of a nes happening to an uhr=ainikel of harav hagoen rav moshe feinstein z’t’l. no doubt the zechus avos helped the child.

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