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Justice Minister Threatening to Dismiss 12 Dayanim

Justice Minister Daniel Friedman may dismiss 12 dayanim (Rabbinical Court justices), acting on the recommendation of Tova Strasburg-Cohen, who deals with complaints against justices and dayanim.

According to an investigation conducted by Strasburg-Cohen, the12 are not in compliance with a job demand, that the live in the municipality in which they are assigned.

The dayanim reportedly signed a document prior to being hired, stating they would comply, a move that many feel is required to ensure the dayanim are ‘on site’ to deal with the issues at hand.

It is reported that in some cases, dayanim drive daily from Jerusalem to Haifa, frequently arriving late in court, and often too tired to perform their jobs in a satisfactory fashion as a result.

The investigation was launched in 2004, the result of a sharp increase in the number of complaints against dayanim for failure to appear and other related issues.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. judges in new york do NOT have to live in ny to be judges!

    judges in new york do NOT have to start court at 930am, when they “officially” start!

    now to dayanim in new york:

    they do what they want, when they want, listen to whomever they want (some do not allow toanim, who will tell them off to correct their practices!)

    they discuss cases with one side without the other.

    they do not inform the other side of their actions (or non actions)

    why should the dayanim in israel be any better!

  2. so do the judges in new york — its a term of employment.

    besides, dayanim have some responsibility of transparency, which new york dayanim dont do. (note — i’m trying to get dayanim to do their job — not disgruntled at a bad din torah)

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