Can You Guess How Much The Owner Of The License Plate 88-888-88 Was Offered?

Photo by: Yan Nirenberg

Erez Ben-Yishai, a resident of Moshav Sitria near Rehovot, owns a Citroen vehicle with the license 88-888-88. It is quite an old vehicle, valued today in Israel at about NIS 3,000. However, a car collector was not attracted to the vehicle, but its license plates.

According to Ben-Yishai, who is a senior high-tech person, he got the car as an inheritance from his father and therefore, he is not willing to sell it, preferring to hold on to it for its sentimental value. He reports that the license plates that came with the vehicle have attracted bids over NIS 100,000, more than thirty times the vehicle’s worth.

It is pointed out that in Israel, the license plates do not belong to the owner, but they remain with a vehicle. They come with a vehicle when purchased new and they remain on the vehicle even when transferred from owner to owner, always identifying with the same vehicle.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Yan Nirenberg)

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