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Lapid: The Chareidim are Delaying the Arrival of Moshiach!

lapPerhaps the best term that can be used to describe the latest statements from Finance Minister (Yesh Atid) Yair Lapid is “the pot calling the kettle black”. In his latest chutzpadik outburst, the leader of the anti-Torah front in Knesset announced it is the chareidi tzibur that is delaying the arrival of Moshiach.

Lapid addressed the plenum, speaking about the middle class and how “suddenly MK Rav Yisrael Eichler is interested in the middle class. There is only one thing that interests him so at least be honest, a man with a beard and yarmulke.

“The problem here Rav Gafne is not that you are chareidim, but that you are giving chareidim a bad name.

“All I want for the chareidi tzibur is the very same rights I seek for my children, nothing less. The pasuk says that ‘Six days you shall work…” and it does not say six days you should sit in the beis medrash and not work and not six days you will receive government assistance and not six days the non-frum should work because they are the donkey of Moshiach. We are not the donkey of Moshiach for we have fulfilled this role for too many years.

“I say to you this is not bringing the Moshiach closer, but distancing him, so don’t even try to speak to me about the middle class. We did not cut their funding or assistance but rather added 500 million NIS to Holocaust survivors. After 30 years in government, if you are truly tzaddikim, and if the situation for these people is truly as bad as you say, where were you?”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

62 Responses

  1. Hey Rasha! Why don’t you finish the Pasuk? 6 days you shall work AND ON THE 7TH YOU SHALL REST! You DON’T keep Shabbos! So please, you son of a Goy, don’t lecture us! If every Jew kept Shabbos 2 weeks in a row, Mashiach would come immediatly! YOU are preventing Mashiach from coming!
    Chariedim would gladly work openly if you stopped the forcing of them to join the IDF! You & your cronies know that!
    So you HATERS are the (in your words) Donkeys here!

    P.S. Dovy, we haven’t heard from you in a while. Everything alright?

  2. So this irreligious Lapid am haaretz rasha gamur is now interpreting pesukim, attacking Religious Jews, and telling us what will bring Moshiach.

    I hear that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is retiring from the Iranian Presidency and will become an international advisor on nuclear disarmament, interfaith friendship, and women’s rights issues.

  3. I will for sure get bashed by YWN’s readership but I couldn’t agree more with Lapid. Not that he is such a tzadik, but the behavior of our charedi brethren in E”Y is absolutely appalling!

    We must strengthen Torah but remember moshiach is not coming for only Bnei Brak and a few hoodlem neighborhoods in Yerushalayim.

  4. Lapid, we all agree on the accuracy of your statement:
    “the non-frum should work because they are the donkey”
    Lapid, remember, YOU said it. Like Bilaam Harasha who blessed Israel by mistake, YOU, Lapid, said that SECULAR are CHAMORIM!!!!

    Now, this menuvel suddenly believes in Moshiach and is worried that charedim are the ones delaying Moshiach. Lapid becoming nuttier by the day.

    Lapid, if you hadn’t been a drop-out you’d have learned in the first Gemara (Berachot p35) what “Six days you shall work” means.

  5. My my such vitriol. As Jews in Europe we worked and studied Torah. As Jews in Spain we worked and studied Torah. As Jews in Persia we worked and studied Torah. As jews in Brooklyn we work and study Torah. Your deluded selves need to look at the message not the messenger. The statues quo is not sustainable, the charedei population consumes far more then produces and they need to pull their heads out of the sand and so should all of you.

  6. Why does he think so highly of himself by calling himself a donkey of mashiach. He wishes to have a zchus to be a donkey of mashiach.

  7. If this guy’s gaava and chutzpa wasn’t so appalling it would actually be laughable. He doesn’t realize how dumb he sounds.

  8. MichaelB,

    You happen to be right. The chareidi tzibbur has been digging themselves a deep hole. From a secular point if view they are truly acting like hypocrites and parasites. It is very difficult for non-frumfrum people to understand the chareidim. The idiots who throw rocks, vandalize bus stops, act with violence toward emergency responders to their neighborhoods etc etc etc make it so much harder!!

  9. Just curious, do all the complainers posting above have a job and work for a living? If you do; what’s so terrible? I shell out alot of tzedaka every day to collectors from Israel who need funds for their family. Is collecting more noble than working?

  10. Rushe ben rushe, thanks for your bruche it would be our wish to be the chamor of Mushiach.

    You will never be able to see him or even come 100 miles from him, you will be rotting in hell before he will come to us.

  11. We are maybe not bringing him closer, but you rushe are stpping him altogether from comming.

    How dare you speak about mushiach when you do not even beleive he will come.

    How do you expect any one to believe you when you are lying openly, what made you now for the first time in your life speak about mushiach, it is only because you are trying to gain someting, you should be ashamed to say the word.

  12. Maybe he has a point? The level of the sense of entitlement felt by the charedi public in Eretz Yisroel is appalling and is unmatched by yidden anywhere and at any point in history! It is beyond me how they can hold the entire establishment of the State in disdain, while cowering behind their soldiers and living off their tax dollars. Instead of bashing Lapid (who is a tinuk shenishba), perhaps charedim should examine what he is saying to see if there is any validity to it.

  13. ROB, please do not curse your fellow Jews.

    I don’t know Lapid’s personal motives, though taken at face value he sounds reasonable.

    But Zionism is shmad, and he is proposing big-time shmad, whether he means it or not.

    If Israel were not run by (nominal) Jews – say it was owned by Turkey as Health often speaks of – the whole Chareidi reaction to it would be far different.

    It is the Zionists who put the Chareidim in this untenable position, after putting the rest of Israeli and world Jewry in a similarly untenable position of being (mis-)associated with Zionist mis-adventures because the Zionists are Jews.

    Zionists have no answers.

  14. MichaelB – Unfortunately, I see that you and others in Chutz L’Eretz are falling prey to media bias. The Leftest media tries to do whatever it can to paint the religious in a bad light. Unfortunately, there is a minority of hoodlums in the Chareidi community that cater to their evil intentions. However, the opinions of the majority in the Chareidi velt are not heard as loudly. You can start buying Mishpacha or other religious media to get a better understanding of the common Orthodox Jew and his views.

    The fact that the arrival of Moshiach rests on our shoulders is true. Even Haman understood that. That didn’t make him a good person or any more justified in his wicked plans. Lapid is not a good person and his intentions are purely wicked. Don’t be a fool and fall prey to his deceiving words. If you do, you are acting like Chava who listened to the deception of the Nachash. You have nothing positive to gain!

  15. mdd: The truth is:

    1. The hareidim work, and in fact struggle, for parnassah since the zionists seriously restrict their ability to engage in renumerative employment both by requiring army service as a pre-condition for most employment, and by creating a hostile work environment that targets frum Jews. While Israel’s world famous yeshivos provide parnassah for many, the fact is being cut off from other avenues of employment has serious macroeconomic impacts (which is why in America, with its strong anti-discrimination laws, hareidi baal ha-battim have a much higher standard living).

    2. The only justification for having a medinah would be Torah and Mitsvos. If the future of Eretz Yisrael is the sort of country Lapid wants, then the Israelis are just western colonialists who stole what they had no right to.
    Ha-Shem gave Eretz Yisrael to Jews in order to do mitsvos and without Ha-Shem’s “Deed” we have no rights. If the zionists are the agressors, they have no rights to kill the Arabs, and as the Rodef are required to withdraw from the confrontation.

    3. Even if the army were not a severely hostile work environment for bnei Torah, it would have many shailohos based on his non-Torah mission, and its policy of “melting” its soldiers into secular Israelis.

    4. The truth is that Lapid is a bigot. The only way to deal with bigots is exemplified with how Ha-Shem dealt with the Germans in World War II (be sending various armies to destroy the cities, execute their elites, and enslave them). You are naive to expect that Ha-Shem will treat the bigots of Jewish descent living in Eretz Yisrael any different than he treated the Nazis, or the Crusaders, or the misyavanim, or the Mitsrim.

    5. If you are a person of little faith, the above paragraph is hard for you to grasp. In secular terms, the likely outcome is that conscripted hareidim will seriously undermine the army (that’s why the army doesn’t want them – they want professional soldiers nor drafted amateurs). Mass resistance by anti-zionist hareidim will seriously weaken Israel’s international standing leading to cutoffs in the liberal American subsidy, and increased toleration of anti-Israeli boycotts. Eventually the medinah will collapse, though hopefully the zechus of the bnei Torah will prevent the trauma places like Berlin suffered when their regime fell, since afterall it will be Ha-Shem doing the destroying (even if you might not realize it and will blame someone else such as the goyim).

  16. Going to work i sone thing. Going to the army is another. The MKs together with the tzibbur have to realize this. Learning Torah for one’s entire life is the greatest zchus in the world. Not everyone is zoche. (There’s still a chiyuv every day and night to be kovea ittim regardless, just like davening and tefilin). For someone who isn’t in the beis hamedrash earning parnassah b’heter is a mitzvah and a chiyuv. Going to the army,however, is assur b’tachlis haissur. No one going in there comes out the same way. Young bachurim are impressionable and they don’t have the immunization to a “pruste” world that older yungerleit have. Having bachurim go to the army would be a death blow to the entire Torah society in EY. I didn’t hear a clear psak of yahareg v’al yavor, and I don’t know if we have a Chazon Ish nowadays that can pasken such, but it’s a davar pashut that it’s assur one hundred percent. They’ll promise an army with only badatz food, a hot and cold mikveh every morning and non gebrokts a whole year; just send your boys. Every frei sfardi taxi driver in EY, every Teimani without a yarmulke are the products of trusting them. Rabbosai, there’s linkage between the army and working; it’s baloney. They are two different sugyos and should be treated as such. Parnassah is a mitzvah; the army, a.k.a. Ben Gurion’s “kor hituch” is treif and out of the question, even if it means prison. Eventually, they’ll chap that our neshamos are not for sale.

  17. The issue here in israel was brought upon by the Chariedim themselves..for to many years to many of them played shtik and ruined it for those really learning.. it is very hard to explain why my son or my neighbors son – who learn and are frum etc have to dedicate their 3 years while my neighbor down the block doesnt..

  18. #24 akuperma, is 100% correct in everything he said!

    I know this is hard for all our US brethren to swallow, but that is because you are not here and do not see what is REALLY happening. This is liken to what happened during WWII. Most American Jews (even Orthodox Jews) could not fathom the depths of the atrocities that were happening in Europe. 20/20 is hindsight.

    It really is not within your rights, nor wise to make any comments on an issue that you have little or no personal knowledge about.

    Frum Americans have a REAL DISTORTED view of what’s going on here in Israel. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people tried to convince me not to move to Israel stating that EVERYBODY IS STARVING THERE and that we’d be crawling back begging for help! Well, my first day in a supermarket painted a very different picture! People were lined up with baskets FULL to the top with food. I did not see any signs of starvation! (Not to say that there aren’t people that actually are starving, but certainly not to the extent that you think) Baruch Hashem, we are here almost a decade later and doing quite fine!

    The main point is, unless you are here the best motto is “Siyag L’Chochma Shtika”!

  19. Akuperma, enough already!!! Many Israeli Chareidim would not work even if they didn’t have to go to the army as they consider working be’etzem unacceptable. Do you have anything to answer to the very straight and reasonable ta’anos of Lapid?

  20. We all agree that the Zionist Israeli army does not want or need the yeshiva boys en any way shape or form. It is the secular government that is just looking for a way to destroy the entire Torah community i.e. by cutting funding that feeds the Frum families who are learning Hashems Torah with Mesirus Nefesh for the sake of Hahsem.

    They all know that they could never get a hundred thousand Chareidim to sing the horrible song of Hatikvah and follow the secular army rules. Their trick is to use the draft as an excuse to cut funds to the Shomrei Torah & Mitzvos.

    They won’t even concider drafting any of the Arabs or even cut off their funding, but will starve Jewish Jrum babies’ just as the Natzis did.

    We are now seeing the hatred that the secular zionist have towards authentic Judaism. We Frum American Jews can stop this “Lapid Momzer” “Lapid Hittler” “Lapid Apikores” by threatening this cursed government that since we elect pro Israel politicians and this gets them 3 billion Dollars yearly of American support, half should go for Israeli yeshivas.

    This baloney of sharing the burden is baloney. Fifty per cent of secular kids don’t join army. Those religious zionist kids who did join got thrown out of their homes in Gush Katif like dogs and most still live in trailers with out proper schools for the children etc

    This is the THANK YOU they got for sacrificing for Apikorsim’ while Olmarts two sons’ dodged their army draft by moving out of Israel. You are dealing with assimilated self hating baboons. I would not trust them with a dime. They keep giving a hundred million dollars to the Gaza Arabs as they shoot missiles every week into Israeli towns.

    They free Arab terrorists every year in the name of peace. Its a sick government getting sicker, by showing us their true colors of “Amalek”.

    Extra funds they have to advocate tens of thousands of abortions each year and spend three million dollars for a gay parade in the heart of the Frum community in Yerushalayim once a year.

    Let’s ALL together be Mispalel Vechol Haminim Keregah Yoiveidu.

  21. not everybody is cut out for full time learning and yet anybody that wants to go to college and learn a trade while they are unmarried is condemned in our community, is this normal??????? or are we in complete denial??????

  22. mdd: Answering someone like Lapid is like answering someone like Streicher (who, BTW, never killed any Jews, but we were quite pleased when the American hanged him – and is known for comparing the mass hanging to Purim). If Israel is fortunate, they will ignore him. If not, it will be painful for the zionists. For hareidim, it is reassuring that even if everything falls apart, it is only the world of sheker that is a mere waiting room.

  23. Akuperma,
    I thought nevuah was butul in the time of Chabakuk (and given to shotim)? Unless you consider yourself a shoteh, it would behoove you to stop predicting the future with such certainty.

    P.S. How many times have you and your family benefited from the Medina and its services?Stop being a kofoy tov!

  24. I hate to say it but if as a few commenters say the “hoodlums” and their views are only a minority where are the Rabbonim condemning them?? I believe only R Gershon Edelstein Shlita condemned the attacks on frum soldiers. Where is everyone else SPECIFICALLY the Eida Rabbonim where these “hoodlums” hail from?

  25. Soft words, stop the cover-up! Stop the chillul Ha’Shem!
    Do you all Isr. Chareidim supporters have straight answers to his straight and reasonable ta’anos?

  26. #35 The answer is simple and straight forward and according to Torah. Just like religious Jews – whether they learn Torah or not – may not enter a church, so may they not enter the tamei army. No other reason, just because it’s a place of tamei on the highest level! and defiles the people and the country.

    Thousands of soldiers are being laid off, why exactly do they need charedim? Please use logic, if you have.

  27. The pasuk says that ‘Six days you shall work…” and it does not say … and not six days the non-frum should work –

  28. Haven’t seen health ot About Time responding yet- did Hatzoloh get there on time?I see that HaKatan and apukerma got treatment on time. I will give hatzoloh a big contribution next time-they have saved YWN!

  29. mdd – 1) You claim that, “Many” Israeli Chareidim would not work even if they didn’t have to go to the army as they consider working be’etzem unacceptable.” – Narishkeit!

    2)You state, “Do you all Isr. Chareidim supporters have straight answers to his straight and reasonable ta’anos?” So let’s take a look at his ta’anos!
    a) “The pasuk says that ‘Six days you shall work…” and it does not say six days you should sit in the beis medrash…”

    ..and so how do you explain this Gemorah?

    במסכת סנהדרין (דף צ”ט ע”ב): “אמר ר’ אלעזר כל אדם לעמל נברא, שנאמר “כי אדם לעמל יולד”. איני יודע אם לעמל פה נברא או לעמל מלאכה נברא, כיון שנאמר “כי אכף עליו פיהו” הוי אומר שלעמל פה נברא. ועדיין איני יודע אם לעמל תורה או לעמל שיחה, כיון שנאמר “לא ימוש ספר התורה הזה מפיך” הוי אומר לעמל תורה נברא. אמר רבא כל הגופים טרחנים הם, כלומר לעמל נבראו, אשרי מי שזכה שעמלו וטרחו בתורה”.

    ..and how do you explain this Mishna in Avos?
    רבי מאיר אומר, הוי ממעט בעסק, ועסוק בתורה

    Apparently Chazal put a greater emphasis on learning than working. It is easy to state the importance of working when that is all you do all day and at best sleep through a Daf Yomi shiur for an hour a day. …And Lapid? Does he learn Torah at all? Does he keep Shabbos? Or does that part of the Pasuk not concern him?!

    b) He states, “All I want for the chareidi tzibur is the very same RIGHTS I seek for my children, NOTHING LESS.”
    RIGHTS!? – What about the fact that Yediot Ahronot had an article several years back stating that the Cheredim are the most discriminated in the work force? More than Arabs! What about the fact that Headhunters told me that I was best off switching my kippa and shirt when I went for interviews if I wanted to get a job?!

    NOTHING LESS?! – Are you really so foolish as to believe that this is all he wants? I think before you continue being naive about the Medina you should Google “Amnon Yitzhak zionism” and watch his video. You can’t argue facts and that’s exactly what he brings down.

    Ok, what else did he say? The rest of his propaganda is also taken care of in that video.

  30. How stupid can Lapid YSV be as long as there were all yeshiva boys learning and the israeli gouvernment were suporting them they won every war, now chas vesholem what will happen at the next war, the price klall isruel may pay could be very bitter. Lapid where is your brains that you claim to have S-T-O-O-P-E-D


    We all surly agree that the Zionist Israeli army does not want or need the yeshiva boys en any way shape or form FOR ANY VALID REASON. It is the secular government that is just looking for a way to destroy the entire Torah community i.e. by cutting funding that feeds the Frum families who are learning Hashems Torah with Mesirus Nefesh for the sake of Hahsem.

    They all know that they could never get a hundred thousand Chareidim to sing the horrible song of Hatikvah and follow the secular army rules. Their trick is to use the draft as an excuse to cut funds to the Shomrei Torah & Mitzvos.

    They won’t even consider drafting any of the Arabs or even cut off their funding, but will starve Jewish Frum babies’ just as the Nazis did.

    We are now seeing the hatred that the secular zionist have towards authentic Judaism. We Frum American Jews can stop this “Lapid Momzer” “Lapid Hittler” “Lapid Apikores” by threatening this cursed government that since we elect pro Israel politicians and this gets them 3 billion Dollars yearly of American support, half should go for Israeli yeshivas.

    This baloney of sharing the burden is baloney. Fifty per cent of secular kids don’t join army. Those religious zionist kids who did join got thrown out of their homes in Gush Katif like dogs and most still live in trailers with out proper schools for the children etc

    This is the THANK YOU they got for sacrificing for Apikorsim’ while Olmarts two sons’ dodged their army draft by moving out of Israel. You are dealing with assimilated self hating baboons. I would not trust them with a dime. They keep giving a hundred million dollars to the Gaza Arabs as they shoot missiles every week into Israeli towns.

    They free Arab terrorists every year in the name of peace. Its a sick government getting sicker, by showing us their true colors of “Amalek”.

    Extra funds they have to advocate tens of thousands of abortions each year and spend three million dollars for a gay parade in the heart of the Frum community in Yerushalayim once a year.

    Let’s ALL together be Mispalel Vechol Haminim Keregah Yoiveidu.


  32. #38 BeitarYid – I’m not clear on what you are trying to say. Can you expound a little? (I’m assuming you mean to quote the Machlokes between Rebi Yishmael and Rashbi)

  33. Is there any support for closing down the Hebrew University and making those people get jobs? Some of them spend a lifetime in the university (getting stipends, just like teachers in yeshivos)? Why not close down the universities and make them get jobs in the army?

    P.S. TO those of you who are teachers, I apologize. I was being sarcastic. I realize that being a teacher is hard work – even if the Israeli government insists that the teachers in hareidi schools are actually unemployed since most of them are still listed as learning Torah (and I know that in Hebrew, teaching is the emphatic form of learning, though I suspect in Modern Ivrit they are unrelated).

  34. My earlier posts were (of course) tongue in cheek. It would take a long page to refute each and everyone of the critiques msde above . However, can ANYONE tell me when this state of affairs ever happened in the history of klal yisroel? For every chazal that some of the posters produce that seemingly supports their viewpoint, I can bring other that contradict their viewpoint. SO, let’s look at history. Please provide a time when the present situation existed- where tens of thousands of people ask others to support them without contributing to the klal.

  35. Lapid harashe, must you show the whole world your stupidety, and you want after that the Israeli people to trust you.

    Why do you take for yourself such hounor rspect and reward to be the donky of mushiah, you and your kind have no chance for that.

    You will be rotting in hell long before he comes.

    You have no reason to mention mushiach you have long denied his comming.

    Our rabbies of 1948 have already cried bitterly that the forming of the state of Israel is delaying the comming of the mushiach, and how right they were Z L and you dare to stand up and try to deny their words when it is clear like the day, no one will ever trust you again.

  36. ROB, even though I do hear your point, you can’t say that those who learn do not contribute. It’s just not appreciated by the others. I do, however, agree that you can’t force this zechus of supporting Torah down somebody else’s throat.

  37. let’s terrify this terpid scum:

    What exactly is mashiach?
    What is going to happen?
    what does it mean?
    who is going to meet their end?

    Those of us who attempt and endeavor to bring mashiach,realize how much further away we are today and getting worse,than even a short while ago and indeed are miserable

    rabbiofberlin #46
    Do so

    (your appaling amharatzus on other posts
    hmmm…unaware that there were TWO Blau’s,your ignorance re the tumah and the korban Pesach,and on .. )

    Try to answer the many a chazal quoted here
    and give us a chance on this sad day to smirk contemptuously

  38. Eizehu Chacham? Halomed Mikol Adam. You may not like the messenger, but you shouldn’t just ignore the message.

    an Israeli Yid

  39. I grew up in Boro Park and also lived in Flatbush & Monsey. All Jews worked. In the past, if you did not serve in the army, the foreign government would imprison or kill you. Regarding work, if you cant do 8th grade math or a simple spreadsheet, you probably wont have a job and your children will chas veshalom starve. Doesn’t the man promise the support in the Ketuba or is the Ketuba not relevant either? Hashem helps those who helps themselves.

  40. #25 there are plenty of frum guys in the army. Have you heard of Hezder? The problem is that people think that wearing a black hat makes you religious. See pictures of some of the greatest Rabonim in their 20s and 30s. Guess what? No black hat

  41. #54. Frum by definition doesn’t mean wearing a yarmulke, tzitzis, or even davening vasikin. I couldn’t care less what color your hat and jacket is, and for that matter whether or not you wear one. The only definig material for frum is four chalakim of Shulchan Aruch. That said, there is no way that a person going in to a secular army comes out the same way; not b’nogea shmiras shabbos, not b’nogea shmiras einayim (it’s not a chumra, it’s ikkar hadin), not b’nogea nivul peh, etc. etc. etc. This, you ask any real Torahdig hesder boy. If he’s honest, not unlike the ones I spoke to, he’ll tell you the same.
    Do you actually believe the army will be responsible to keep halacha for all those shomrei halacha? Do you ask a frei doctor about fasting on yom kippur? He couldn’t care less about it, and is willing to humor you, superficially, as long as it doesn’t bother him. If you have R’Vosner, R’Nissim Karelitz and Rav Ovadiah convene every time there’s a question of mass chilul shabbos, that’s one thing. But the Rav Tzava Rashi will decide. This year Shabbos Parshas Toldos, when there was a siren that went off in Gush Etzion, there were TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILULEI SHABBOS with no justification whatsoever. The RAMATKA”L won’t give up his hand before being mechalel Shabbos and won’t give up his life before being “over” any of the three chamuros.
    Our lives are different; the same way they wouldn’t stomach the thought of sending their boys to yeshivos just in case “chas v’shalom” they’d become “black” and all that it means is a little less gashmiyus in their seventy eighty years down here, kal v’chomer us, who know the purpose of our existence cannot be baited by some cheap populistic political posturing by a few pathetic MKs.
    B’kitzur, there are good hesder boys, but it doesn’t mean what they’re doing is right. They bought in to the idea that the medina is part of yiddishkeit, and they’re getting kicked in the face time and again, by a country that is neither grateful for their sacrifices nor sensitive to their needs. It’s a dimyon, and I’m sorry for them. But don’t for one second use that as a proof that one’s ruchniyus (which is why we’re here, period!) will not be irreversibly damaged.

  42. Unfortunately the way many people on this post, be they Haredi, National religious or unobservant speak about other Jews will prevent Moshiach from coming in our time. Those of you who have spoken badly should look inward and do teshuva.

  43. THIS blog is sure to bring Moshiach. The love of the medinah is as strong as the hatred of the Hareidim, and the hatred of the Medinah as strong as the hatred of those with differing opinions…Perhaps some Ahavas Yisroel and plain old tolerance is in order. Each human on this world is entitled to his or her opinion without being attacked for it. Nobody here is in a decision making seat anyhow, so why not douse the flames of senseless hatred?

  44. To #56, It is not alowwed to speak against the israeli gournment THE RASHUIM but it is O K for them to hate the frum take their suport away and force them into the army against their will and we are not allowed to hate and curse them fot that.

    We hate the soinei hashem and that is a mitzva, and not to hate them is a big sin, if you call that loshen hara you are making a big mistake.

    No country in the world force university students into the army they are exempt, why should our toire be cosidered less then universary studies in the eyes of todays israeli leaders do they concider themselfs better than the leaders of previous generations who were bad enough but never did they have such evel and unjust bad thoughts.

    Wake up lapid your taking upon yourself too much you will fall badly from your high horse, hashem is much stronger than you, it is immpossible to win against him.

  45. To DivrieEmes #57.

    If the Israeli gournment would only talk then you may have a point according to your opinion, but the israeli gournment is not only talk, they act, and force people against theil will into their army which is totaly unacceptable, and we can not have peace with that their army is in contradiction to out toire.
    They BH hate us more than we hate them

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