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Rabbi Amsellem on Petira of Maran ZT”L & Shas’ Future

amsnRabbi Chaim Amsellem, who heads the Am Shalem party spoke with Arutz-7, explaining that there is no replacement for Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L, and with his passing we mark the end of a chapter in the history of the Shas party.

“I knew him for tens of years; we’ve lost a giant figure in Israel, who has left a huge vacuum behind him,” adding “he has no replacement in terms of his Halachic prowess. He was the last of the true Sephardic rabbis.”

Amsellem feels that without Maran leading Shas, it is just another party and it is void of a connection to Sephardi Jewry.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Who cares what this rasha says? He knew Maran? That’s swell; Maran declared him a rasha. He ran for office on a platform of initiating Tel Aviv bus service on Shabbos Kodesh. His opinions are as worthwhile as Yair Lapid’s.

  2. Amsalem makes it sound like only he knows who’s a true Sephardic Rabbi. (Not that he was too fond of Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l, especially after he was ousted from Shas.) At least he admits not being a true Rabbi.

    Amasalem to Shas is like Lipman to Yesh Atid.

  3. amsallem says his hopes are that shas will fall, what else is new.

    additionally someone who rebelled against maran now says he was a great figure, sounds like tongue in cheek

  4. #5 first off I am Sefardi, but when you say “someone who rebelled against…”
    What is this a kingship? It is a Democracy (well at least in theory, different story), its a democracy people can and should vote the way their conscious tells them to. Vote for what they believe is the best interest of Am Yisrael. if you feel its Shas, then go ahead, if not you have the right to vote for anyone you choose. Stop with words like “Rebellion” since when was anyone alive today declared the King of Am Yisrael?

  5. #5 FYI Amasalem has always been a talmid, supporter and admirer of Maran Yosef. He disagreed with his path,,,,which was a path designed by Deri anyway.

    There have been enough writings and even by the guard, Yehudit Yosef, stating the fact that the door & entryway to Maran Yosef was blocked to specific people.

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