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High Court Intervenes in Giyur Controversy

court hammer.jpgThe High Court of Justice last week issued a temporary restraining order freezing the invalidation of conversions performed by the state giyur agency under the direction of Rav Chaim Druckman Shlita.

Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy instructed Attorney General Menachem Mazuz to intervene, to determine the legality of a decision by the Supreme Rabbinical Court to invalidate all conversions by Rav Druckman since 1999.

Attorney Yael Rickman, representing a women’s rights organization, who took the case to the high court, explained that blanket invalidation of conversions since 1999 impacts hundreds and thousands of former converts and their families, as well as the thousands of people awaiting conversion.

The case surrounds a recent ruling by the Rabbinical Supreme Court in an appeal filed against the Ashdod Beis Din in a matter dealing with a divorce for a woman who years ago was converted. The court ultimately ruled the woman’s conversion was retroactively invalid, and labeled her children non-Jews, and then boldly invalidated all conversions carried out by Rav Druckman.

In a related matter, a number of events were recently held by organizations affiliated with the Dati Leumi (National Religious) camp in support of Rav Druckman and the integrity of his conversions.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Leave Torah decisions to Daas Torah only,and ignore “secular courts”,even if ‘Jewish’.

  2. the time may have come to ignore government policy regarding who is a Jew and let them accept whomever they wish. Their rulings will then be meaningless and everyone will do the research into each specific case which offer to be done already now.

  3. Unfortunately, since the Ashdod Bais Din chose to issue their ruling against Rav Amar, they have brought the secular courts into this by their actions.

    All Rabonim had agreed to abide by Rav Amar until this bais din unilaterally broke the deal.

    Shame on them for the Chillul Hashem they have caused.

    May HK”BH have mercy upon their neshomos.

  4. #4:
    The only souls needing mercy are those who created this travesty by creating false so-called geirim.

    Rabbi Amar never told the Ashdod Beis Din not to issue this ruling. In fact, halachically no one can tell a Beis Din how to rule or NOT rule.

  5. In order to annul a conversion, it has to proven
    at the time of the conversion that the prospective convert was,nt sincere not after

  6. Has there been any documentation to attest to the fact that a Beis Din has retroactively invalidated all of Rabbi Druckmans conversions? Is there any documentation to attest that Rav Elyashiv was involved with this decision? Has Rav Amar met with Rav Elyashiv about this specific issue? Is there any documentation regarding the results of this meeting – if it happened?

    Once these questions have been answered, then – and only then – can we – who aren’t involved with or familiar with the case – make any comments about it.

  7. Kafiya datit? When the frum don’t want a toyaveh parade going through their neighbor hood in front of their children, the secular press screams “kafiyah datit”. When the secular court issues ruling on giyur and batei dinim, something that they have no more jurisdiction to decide thatn American goyish court, the press is silent. Where are the calls of “Kafiyah chilonit?” Where are the leftists that demand a seperation of religion and state, but reserve the states right to meddle in matters of religion? When will the press call attention to this Bolshevik hypocrisy masquerading as a democracy, whose moniker is: “I will defend to the death what you have to say, as long as you agree with me.”

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