Israel’s New COVID Regulations: Green Tag From 3-Years and Up, Limit of 50 People Indoors

As hospitals once again fill up with serious COVID patients, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called a meeting of high-ranking officials from the Health Ministry and the Treasury to come up with a plan to curb the rise in morbidity. During the discussion which took place on Tuesday night, the group decided upon the following regulations which will be brought for ratification by the Knesset tomorrow.

The biggest change was that the Green Pass will now apply to anyone over the age of three years old. This will apply to pools, gyms, academic institutions, all cultural and sporting events, conferences, museums, libraries, restaurants, and hotels.

The payment for these tests for anyone between the ages of 3-12 will be paid for by the government. Anyone over the age of 12 who hasn’t received the vaccine or is recovering from the disease, will have to pay for their own tests.

In order for the green tag regulations to work properly, in the coming days, the number of testing centers across the country will be expanded significantly. The date of when the new regulations will go into effect will be announced on Wednesday.

In locations where the Green Tag rules do not or cannot apply, such as private gatherings inside people’s homes, there will now be a limit of 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So much for the vaccines being a path to freedom. Compliance only leads to a reduction in liberty.
    Stop following and start thinking

  2. So the question is what is changing? Lockdowns? Didn’t work. Masks? Didn’t work. Vaccines? Didn’t work. So why are they back to social distancing and limits if nothing works? Live and let live. Let the vulnerable be more careful , which is what they should have done from day one instead of ruining lives.

  3. I’m so impressed with how well the coronavirus “vaccines” are working in Israel… Israelis are now back to living normally, you would never guess they had lockdowns and had to wear masks, those days are a distant memory…

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