The callous attitude of Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman toward those who suffered losses due to COVID was displayed again on Monday in an interview.
Speaking to a Makor Rishon reporter, Lieberman boasted about the COVID policies the Bennett government instituted after it came into power, saying that he announced that “we will learn to live with COVID,” a policy that was criticized by many as placing economic factors on a higher plane than human lives.
When the interviewer asked him about the over 1,000 Israelis that died of COVID in the past month, Lieberman responded: “I’m totally fine with it. Our lives are about risk-management and you have to make not-simple decisions.”
פושע. לך!!!
— מיכאל מלכיאלי michael malkieli (@malkielim82) February 21, 2022
The apathetic attitude toward the loss of human lives cannot only be attributed to Lieberman. The Bennett government of Prime Minister adopted the policy of “living with COVID” from the time it came into power in June, shortly before the Delta wave began in Israel.
In August, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked was widely condemned after saying: “We have to know how to accept seriously ill patients as well as deaths. It’s a pandemic and people die during pandemics.”
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
7 Responses
Always_Ask_Questions, not true, according to worldometers website as of now USA has 2873 deaths per 1 million, israel has 1072 per 1 million
He is not wrong per say. However, the way it comes off is not good. Lockdowns and restrictions have economically, psychologically and physically impacted society in so many ways. Halachikly there was absolutely no justification for them when looking at the total picture
Charlie, Israeli losses were way less than US up until mid-January, but unfortunately grew to about the same as US for the last month and way higher than most European countries
As much as I despise this man, on this issue, he’s right!
So critically urgent for Bibi & President Donald Trump to be restored to power, and good riddance to salacious lieberman & salacious bennet & salacious sleepy joe
You want to knock them fine. They’re right. Maybe talk more sensitively but in essence they’re right. Lockdowns and restrictions do more harm than good
The US is having over 2,000 a DAY and the COVID disinformation crowd, including many YWN commenters, are okay with THAT