ROCK-SOLID EMUNAH: Bnei Brak Almanah Is Matzdik The Din [SEE THE VIDEO]

Channel 12 News screenshot

Israel’s Channel 12 News spoke with Naama Yechezkel, the almanah of Hakodesh Reb Avishai Yechezkel, hy’d, who was murdered in front of their home as he shielded his two-year-old son from the terrorists’ gunfire.

Naama, who was left alone in her eighth month of pregnancy, expressed incredible emunah.  “We’re not scared of the difficult questions,” she said. “Yes, I ask Hashem, ‘Hashem, why do I deserve this? Why my husband?’ But at the same time, there’s emunah. Hashem is a merciful father. We’re allowed to be angry at Him. He knows that we get angry at him. And we’ll cry. But ultimately, I know inside my heart – I’m very broken, I’m in terrible pain, I miss Avishai, I search for him the entire night and cry and scream.”

“But ultimately I know that everything Hashem does is for the best. And even when we don’t see it, when it looks bad, very bad. I’m left an almanah and I’m pregnant. What’s good in that? We don’t know.”

“But I know that Hashem loves me, the best in the world. Because he brought me into the world. He gave me my husband. He gave three years of chessed with my husband. He gave me the zechus to have a child. We love Hashem, we’re also angry at Him – it’s okay.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Tremendous emunah and ahavas Hashem. She should have a complete nechomoh and only brochoh. Chas vesholom- I’m not judging- but where does it say it’s ‘muttar to be angry at Hashem’?

  2. Someone should tell this poor unfortunate ALMANAH, it is not HASHEM she should be angry at,and not even that murderous animal that murdered her husband.
    It is the treasonous self hating leftist government that is responsible for this murder.
    If someone where to bring into his home poisonous man eating snakes,and let’s them roam around freely,and one morning we find the whole family dead, would we blame the snake, would we blame HASHEM, of course not,
    We would only blame that criminally insane idiot who brought those snakes into the house.

    Israel has almost two million murderous Muslim poisonous snakes,they are a treasonous fifth column who cannot wait to have the chance to murder every Jewish man woman and child.
    There is only one solution to this untenable situation, it was Rabbi Meir Kahane’s h”y”d solution, “ THEY ALL MUST GO”
    Having two million poisonous snakes roaming freely in your country is NATIONAL SUICIDE ,
    When Jewish blood is spilled in our holy land, do not blame HASHEM, he had nothing to do with it, just like you wouldn’t blame HASHEM for an individual who committed suicide.
    The only blame is this treasonous government and the PM with the yarmulke,who don’t do what needs to be done to protect their land and it’s people

  3. Sugya25, you asked where does it say its ok to be angry at HASHEM.
    Well, if you would remember the CHUMASH you learned in CHEDER, you wouldn’t ask this question.
    Moshe rebeinu, gave Mussar to HASHEM, and asked ” LAMA HAROHOISO L’AM HAZEH.
    Avraham Avinu, when HASHEM wanted to destroy SDOM, he scolded HASHEM, and asked, are you going to punish innocent people together with guilty ones .
    Nothing wrong with being angry.
    You know who isn’t angry, it’s the atheist’s who don’t believe, therefore there is nobody to be angry at

  4. @chugibugi
    Yes Hashem is responsible for everything. He does everything and whatever He does is for a good purpose. And next to this heroic woman’s Emunah, your post just stinks of Apikorsus. It negates the Torah perspective and Hashkafa. And yes even in your mashal of poisonous snakes, it is Hashem that caused that idiot to bring the snakes in, and here too, Hashem is the one running the show, and running this (seemingly crazy) government from behind the scenes.

  5. Regarding Sugya 21’s question:

    Chana from whom we learn so many laws of Tefillah says to Eli the Cohen:
    “.כי מרב שיחי וכעסי דברתי עד הנה ….”
    שמואל א:טז
    In explaining her Tefillah to Eli the Cohen: “…It is with much grievance and anger I have spoken until now.”

    I have heard it said turning to Hashem with anger is ok…just don’t turn away from Hashem when you are angry (and not understanding how He runs His world).

  6. I only listened once, but I think that she was saying that she feels anger, without specifying toward whom it was directed.

  7. To chugibugi:
    I disagree with
    “they all must go”.
    You were right when you said that why do we let them roam freely in our country and we know the real truth that they are waiting for the best moment to hurt us. They won’t even deny it. We need to repair the security fence. This snake managed to come into Israel through a break in the fence. Israel is so busy investigating Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister Arye Deri, that they simply don’t have any extra time to deal with a silly issue like a break in the fence.

  8. @chugibugi
    Moshe Rabeinu was held accounted for saying that. Avraham Avinu just asked, he didn’t scold. I agree with sugya25. It doesn’t say anywhere that it’s muttar to be angry with Hashem. We can feel sadness and pain, but someone with proper Emuna knows that Hashem does everything for their good, and it does not make sense to be angry at Him. I’m definitely not judging this woman who is undergoing a tremendously difficult Nisayon, and is showing utmost strength and Emuna.
    Living in Israel for some years now, and exposed to the Israeli mentality and way of speech, I would say that she doesn’t mean anger, she is using the word as a way of expressing her frustration. And of course if someone feels anger but overcomes it like this woman does when she says that she knows that everything Hashem does is for our good, then what can be more praiseworthy than that?
    And Mr. Chugibugi please take your Mizrachi hashkofos someplace else, and don’t contaminate the minds and hearts of the frum people reading this.

  9. To Avraham,
    The security fence will not help a bit, because the murderous snakes are inside Israel, not only in Yehuda and Shomron.

    To love all Jews.
    First of all, change your name to “hate all Jews”
    Second of all, according to your idiotic HASHKAFA ,we humans are nothing but robots and puppets on a string, and have no free will because everything is orchestrated by HASHEM.
    In other words, if a Jew decides to transgress the Torah, eat a ham sandwich or smoke on Shabbos or commit suicide), it is Hashem who is responsible for it and not the person. If that’s the case, why the concept of SCHAR and OINEISH (punishment or reward).
    The whole reason for G-d to have created human beings flies out of the window,.
    it is your childish and idiotic HASHKAFA that borders on APIKORSUS.
    All the RISHONIM explain the verse in the Torah, that humans where created in TZELEM ELOKIM,
    they explain, the image of God in a humani s the fact that God gave him power to defy his will, that is what we call BECHIRAH free will

  10. I was wrong – she does say that she is angry with Hashem. This could be the approach of Iyov, who – unlike Aharon – questioned why Hashem punished him beyond what he deserved.
    This also may be the approach of Breslov, who in Hisbodedus speak to Hashem as if He is their friend.

  11. Don’t watch unless you’re ready to cry! As for her pain and her language, only a num-skull can criticize her. She lost her husband to an animal ONE WEEK AGO! She’s allowed to grieve! Nobody has the right to judge her.
    אל תדין את חברך עד שתגיע למקומו. No Jew should ever have to go through what this tzaddekes went through.

  12. Hashem wants a relationship with us more than anything.
    She expressed it perfectly. We love Hashem and know that everything He does is for our good.
    At the same time, we have feelings and we are meant to have them. Throughout Tanach the leaders, neviim and tzaddikim express their feelings and Hashem welcomes it. Dovid Hamelech repeatedly expresses fear, pain, anguish, fear and Hashem considers his tefillos to be most precious.

  13. @chugibugi
    Arguing a point in Hashkafa and sticking up for your values does in no way contradict LOVING ALL JEWS just like the Satmar Rebbe used to give Tzedaka to Mizrachi people although he was outspoken in his stance against their beliefs.
    And this is an old, well-trodden subject. But the Charedi view on this point as brought down in many Chasidishe Sefurim is that OUTCOMES are preordained by Hashem and whatever He wants will happen with or without you, me, the government or whoever. Our Bechira is solely for us to decide how to ACT. Rashi in Devarim 22:8 states that if a person doesn’t build a gate on his roof and somebody falls off the roof and dies, the guy would have died in any case, but you shouldn’t be the one to cause it. Let it be brought about by someone else. That is our Bechira. We don’t determine outcomes. We determine how we behave.

  14. *to be precise:
    “Our bechirah is solely to DECIDE how to act.”
    Hashem allows the action to take place or not.
    obviously Deciding includes trying to take action, but whether one’s muscles move is also 100% B’Yad Hashem

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