Yeshiva Bochur To Receive NIS 60,000 From Arabs Who Attacked Him

Illustrative: Police at the scene of a suspected stabbing attempt in Jerusalem's Old City, May 11, 2022. (Israel Police)

The Jerusalem District Court ruled that two Arab-Israelis must pay damages of NIS 60,000 as well as NIS 7,020 in legal fees to a yeshivah bochur they physically attacked a year ago.

In the incident, which took place in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Arabs knocked down the bochur who was passing by and repeatedly kicked and punched him.

Following the attack, the victim filed a civil lawsuit against the Arabs, who were also convicted in criminal proceedings and received prison terms.

“The defendants acted purely out of a racist motive,” stated Attorney Ophir Steiner, who represented the bochur under the auspices of the Honenu legal aid organization.

“A civil lawsuit against Arabs who attack Jews only because of their Jewish appearance is an important tool in the fight against this terrible phenomenon. Punishment at the criminal level is not enough. It is often the monetary loss that makes a lasting impact.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The middle east is not the middle west.

    In the US, if someone commits a racist crime, if he must pay a huge fine he might not do it again.

    In the Middle East, there is no such thing as a racist crime. It is an act of terror. If you make them pay a fine, it will only fill them with more hate for the Jews, and next time will be worse (חס ושלום, אל תפתח פה לשטן).

  2. locking up is a great thing, this amount of money is a nice thing too, keep doing it….penalizing them for even the smallest insight…….

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