YWN Eretz Yisrael Morning News Roundup – 7/23/08


*Wednesday, day 36 of the virtual Gaza ceasefire.

*Today is Gilad Shalit’s 760th day in Hamas captivity.

*An Arab motorist on Tuesday night tried to run over a border policeman at Shilat Junction, Route 443 near Modi’in. The policeman opened fire, seriously wounding the Arab attacker. The attacker, who police believe was a car thief, was transported to Tel Hashomer Hospital.

*Rock-throwing attacks were reported on Tuesday night north of Chevron. No injuries were reported.

*IDF soldiers involved in counter-terror operations in Yehuda and Shomron on Tuesday night arrested six suspects in the Ramallah and Chevron district. The terrorists in custody were turned over to the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) for interrogation.


*US Democratic presidential hopeful Barak Obama will be meeting with senior state leaders in Jerusalem today. He arrived on Tuesday night for a one-day visit.

*Many residents of Um-Tuba, the home of the 2nd bulldozer terrorist, were interviewed by the media on Tuesday night. There were no celebrations over the attack but they stated in their opinion, they believe it was an accident, not an attack.

*Democratic Presidential candidate Barak Obama’s message from Jordan on Tuesday: “Today’s bulldozer attack is a reminder of what the Israelis have courageously lived with for many years…” Of course Mr. Obama issued a condemnation of the attack.

*Only several hundred attended the Tuesday night Rabin Square rally on behalf of Gilad Shalit.

*Jerusalem City Halls calls for the demolition of the home of the 2nd bulldozer terrorist.

*Israel tells the PA it is willing to pardon 24 Fatah al-Aqsa Brigade terrorists as part of prisoner deal.

*According to the Prime Minister’s Office, three years after the expulsion from Gaza, 28% of the Gaza refugees have still not found permanent housing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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