TOUCH OF HUMANITY: Pro-Israel Saudi Blogger Sends Condolences to Family of Terror Victims

A well-known Saudi blogger who is unapologetically pro-Israel sent a touching letter to the Paley family, whose sons aged 6 and 8 years old were murdered in a ramming attacking in Ramot last Friday.

The blogger, Mahmud Saud, announced on his Twitter account that he sent “something sweet” to the Paley family, and included a picture of a card he had sent to them.

The letter reads:

“Dear Paley Family, I want to extend my condolences and self-participation in the terrible sorrow of the passing of your beloved and pure children in such a terrible way. May G-d give you strength and comfort, and heal your dear father, and may you never know more sorrow.”

The letter was attached to a box of luxury chocolates, providing some sweetness – and a touch of humanity – in the midst of the family’s darkness.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Daniel Schwammenthal @DSchwammenthal
    Feb 11, 2023
    The world looks at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and confuses the loosers with blameless victims. But it is the evil expressed in the image (Maqluba) or in Palestinians handing out sweets to celebrate the murder of children that has caused the conflict and continues to fuel it.

  2. in order to be a Ger Toshav you must stand before the Sanhedrin of Eretz Yisrael and publicly declare the full adoption of the religion of Judaism (all that applies to gentiles).

    once that happens there are a bunch of special rights and restrictions that they have which separate this ger toshav from all other goyim (for instance, they cannot be your shabbos goy/ do melacha for you on Shabbos)

    nowadays there are no real ger toshavs as it is impossible to become one

  3. The halachic definition of a chossid umos ha’olam (righteous gentile) is a non-Jew who keeps the 7 mitzvos Bnei Noach (Noahide laws). Yad Vashem’s redefinition of the term has no Jewish legal basis. I assume that this kind gentleman does keep the 7 Noahide laws and therefore deserves the title of “righteous gentile”. Ger toshav is not applicable to the praiseworthy Mahmud Saud, as he does not live in Israel.

  4. Al pi halacha, he might be considered a real Ger Toshav / Chasid umos haolam. (only Shaila is if we accept them when yovel is not noheg)

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