NIS 72 Million in Good-Will to the PA

As the last Kassam rocket fell in Sderot on Monday, prompting the closure of Gaza crossings for 24 hours, Israel did nevertheless continue channeling money to the PA (Palestinian Authority), money officially intended for PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) and his Fatah faction. Nevertheless, in a blind-eye fashion, NIS 72 million was sent to Fatah, only it was done via Hamas-controlled Gaza.

The move takes place as officials monitoring events in the PA autonomous areas state with confidence that much of the money transfers in essence go directly into bank accounts of PA officials in Gaza who appear on salary rosters.

Israel explains the money is intended to pay salaries for Gaza employees, a response to a personal request from Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Salem Fayyad, of Abu Mazen’s Fatah faction. Last week, Israel replaced unusable bills in Gaza, sending an additional NIS 17 million.

Intelligence officials opposed the latest transfer of funds, stating with a modicum of confidence that millions of shekels will end up in Hamas hands, directly or perhaps via one of the official Hamas-aligned charities that front for the terrorist government.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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