Yair Netanyahu: “Israeli Leftists Create Better Propaganda Than Iran, Hezbollah”

Photos: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and son Yair in Tel Aviv, January 23, 2020. (Aleksey Nikolskyi/Sputnik Kremlin Pool Photo via AP); Leftist Israelis projects sign against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on the UN headquarters in New York City.

Yair Netanyahu, the son of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, excoriated the Israelis who protested against his father during his trip to the US to attend the UN General Assembly in New York.

Yair wrote in a Facebook post: “The extremist leftists of the ‘protest’ [funded by billions and foreign countries] flew to the UN General Assembly to protest – not against the head of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas who justified the Holocaust and the Nazis, and not against the Iranian president who calls to exterminate Israel – but against the prime minister of Israel who went to battle at the UN against the first two.”

“In case the message wasn’t clear, they projected a message in English on the UN building to the leaders of the world – don’t believe Netanyahu!”

“In other words – when Netanyahu speaks against the Iranian threat or Palestinian propaganda – don’t believe him! He’s lying!”

“Iran, Hezbollah, and the Palestinians couldn’t have created more successful anti-Israel propaganda,” Yair concluded.

Israeli leftists also projected an image of Netanyahu as a jailbird on the wall of the famous Alcatraz prison in San Francisco with the words “Welcome Bibi.”

Prior to departing for the US, Prime Minister Netanyahu accused the Israeli protesters in the US of teaming up with the PLO, Iran, and others.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. At the risk of being slightly hyperbolic, wouldn’t countering your countries’ foreign policy abroad be considered treasonous?
    I know this is accepted to an extent (think John Kerry going to Iran during the Trump administration), but to what extent?

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