In a bombshell ruling on Thursday evening, Supreme Court judges Uzi Fogelman, Yitzchak Amit and Noam Sohlberg issued an interim ruling to the government to freeze funding to yeshivos as of April 1 as the army exemptions for yeshiva bochurim are no longer legal.
The judges adopted an even stricter view than Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara, who submitted her opinion on Thursday afternoon that the State must recruit all Chareidim and freeze funds to yeshivos after a period of adjustment.
According to the court’s ruling, by Sunday, yeshivos for bochurim age 18 and over and kollelim will no longer receive funding for those eligible for recruitment.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
35 Responses
In a perfect world: Government has to equate full-time learning (3-sedarim/torahto umanato) with national service/sheirut leumi and thus keep funding. A narrow majority of polupace (vs those bagatz justice reshai amaratzim) would likely vote for it. This will bolster the pride & chashivius of Torah as well as quality of learning.
The rest should be in some other service duty (including united hatzalah & zaka) easpecially during these trying times.
You’ll probably end up with another 10-15k out of 60K bochurim/youngerlite. IDF should have more 100% uncompromising frum untis aside from nachal/netzach with 1 seider early and late depending on shift.
This is solvable.
Very equivalent, of course. Not. But the much bigger problem is Zionism and its army, whose express purpose it is to convert Jews from Judaism to Zionist idolatrous Nationalism pretending to be Judaism.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
Watch for bnei Torah to get out of it as much as they can (getting a doctor’s note etc)
The cracks in the Yeshivah bochrim and young lads; in addition to comments here, show that the mesiras nefesh for Torah is not the same it used to be.
I would hear wails and protests by the hundreds of thousands should this be our standing today! There would be jail in masse and total chaos if they would DARE force chilul Shabbos r”l. Either you show “we go with Torah to death” or capitulate. Do we really think the government doesn’t see the break in the resolve?
I’m not a kollel learner and appreciate those that “learn”, for real of course. It’s just that I don’t see it being as structured as the army. Torah studies need to mirror army service. Shouldn’t it? Sacrifice of basics; timeliness, adherence, integrity, respect, mentshlichkeit, etc…
Don’t fool yourself: It’s not a matter of “sharing the burden” – they want to DESTROY THE TORAH WORLD.
There is no precedence of a funding stop within 3 days! They don’t mean the money, they don’t want the soldiers, they want to DESTROY THE TORAH TRUE YIDDISHKEIT!
Not sure why there is any concern.
If learning Torah can help against missiles, terrorist, attacks guns, hen learning Torah
should help with parnussa.
In addition why protest in Israel about this or the draft. Just learn Torah, since Torah projects
Finally Yeshiva study will take the same place as its equivalence like Interior design courses or Art studies, great for personal development but should NOT stop anyone from serving in the army. A Jew who is able to fight should be ashamed to not take the call.
Hey always_ask_questions, you hold that serving the IDF is a great mitzvah, right? So let’s put all soldiers on bread and water and we can lower the defense budget. No soldier will stop serving, or serve less efficiently on bread and water, since they are so serious about doing this great mitzvah.
Seriously, reread your post and tell yourself how gleefully talking about yeshiva students resorting to panhandling for basic food is not coming out of pure hatred.
SORT OUT THE WAR QUICKLY. Why can’t that “Supreme” court use its powers instead to nullify the evil decrees of the UN by cancelling the whole current military campaign and relabel it as a criminal activity over which the POLICE would have full control. That way it would become an internal national affair of pursuing the murderers and calling in the military “to help them” as necessary. The actual activity would remain the same but it would be out of the evil UNs clutches.
yay for all the “rlevy”s and the “Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname”s
shouldn’t this article should be the first one on the site? must be an editors mistake
Editors Note: It was. For about 12 hours.
SORT OUT THE WAR QUICKLY. Why can’t that “Supreme” court use its powers instead to nullify the evil decrees of the UN by cancelling the whole current military campaign and relabel it as a criminal activity over which the POLICE would have full control. That way it would become an internal national affair of pursuing the murderers and calling in the military “to help them” as necessary. The actual activity would rename the same but it would be out of the evil UNs clutches.
By the sweat of your brow you will toil and work the land said G-d. Rashi had a vineyard. Work! that is G-ds command
i’d like to sit in a BM and learn all day and have someone pay all my bills but i work!!! because i don’t want handouts!!
If you chose to sit in a BM and learn KOL HAKAVOD, but don’t expect others to pay your fare.
it’s absolutely amazing that the medinah of cholinim who risk their lives on behalf of jews all over the world to fight in the army have also paid the people who chose not to risk themselves up until now. That is above and beyond. now that their fed up is understandable.
true that they are sinking our collective ship with their chillul shabbas and lefty liberalism disease but we all need teshuva.
I have yet to see a compelling reasoning why the State should provide funding for yeshivos and kollelim. If you want to learn, go for it, but fund it yourself like any other Charedi community anywhere else in the world.
Also, the chutzpah to say this is a ‘war on Torah’! Charedim are not the only ones learning Torah in Israel, and the Supreme Court does not have any issue at all with people learning Torah alongside their military or national service.
I mean the physical support of the country involves service. The ostensible spiritual support for draft age boys to learn Torah.
The country has been providing both physical support (money) and spiritual support (secure environment with freedom for religion) to yeshivos until now.
Why should the medina have to provide physical support if yeshiva bochurim won’t reciprocate? Hashem will provide!
If this goes through, the Zionists are playing with the very existence of their “State”. Rav Landau said it today, for those who didn’t already know this.
You missed the part of the Zionists abusing and mistreating our brethren there. A few of those stories even made the news here, like that real estate guy’s daughter attacked by an Israeli cop for moving her mask down to eat ices or whatever the story was. And the chareidi guy the Israeli cops brutalized in a supermarket. And on and on.
You also missed the part about how Zionism is shmad and that the Zionists have been doing all they can get away with doing to shmad the chareidim, which is obviously extremely offensive to chareidim.
How many yeshivot/kollelim does the government have a chiyuv to support?
How much is too little and how much is too much???
Why not just choose 1 beit midrash with say 100 people and support them for full time. Why is that not enough? Nobody is stopping all the rest of the chareidim who want to learn from continuing to learn.
It seems to me the real concern is money and not continued torah learning.
I agree with all those who wrote that there is nothing to worry about. The lomdei haTorah will keep doing ratzon Hashem/follow daas torah and learn and HASHEM WILL PROVIDE. Where is our emunah? The Rambam clearly states that anyone can join shevet Levi and Hashem will provide. Anyone living a kollel lifestyle can attest to that.
First of all, it’s dangerous to have a general draft of Haredim because racist Arabs will find more excuses to see it as a holy war..
Always_Ask_Questions: The Israeli elite (who are very secular) do not realize that there large Orthodox Jewish communities outside of Eretz Yisrael, and that they are a major source of funding for yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael. The assume that the frum communities in places such as New York are small and living in great poverty,, and therefore the ONLY significant source of funding for Limudei Torah in Eretz Yisrael is the Zionist state. — And while October 7 should have warned them they are mistaken, they believe that support for Israel in golus is based on Israel being run by left wing socialists who support LGBTQ projects and are courageously fighting for freedom from religion, meaning that persecuting Orthodox Jews will cause the goyim in America to support the Zionists against the Arabs. — While it happens that the Israeli elites are fools (and their foolishness is probably why the whole war started, the Rabbanim favored working with the Palestinians and opposed starting a war), they are powerful and dangerous fools.
Hashem has enough ways to fund the torah, he doesn’t need their dirty money, yet he offered them the opportunity to have a share and zchus in it – too bad they lost it from one day to the next. Anyone, including our chilony brothers, with a minimum of sense will run to the nearest Yeshiva or Kollel and give them a donation, even a small one, to have a share and zchus in their learning.
At a time like this to start this struggle is really a chutzpah. They are starting fights.
They are acting like children and are challenging the Torah of Judaism, so they don’t care about Torah or Judaism it sounds like. Th
In 1948 the Satmar Rebbe (Z’L) warned that the carrot of funding Yeshivos was nothing but a trap. Once the Torah people would be hooked they would be trapped.He quoted the Midrash when they wanted to pull that with him and the Rebbe replied “Not by they honey nor by thy sting”. The honey he foresaw turned into a trap.
I am sure 100% that not one T’Ch will stop learning because of that. One should learn even if he is eating bread and water and does not have to rely on gov funding. Those who lack bread & water can do collections near the Kosel. If those people who registered with kollel just to collect a stipend will stop collecting, there will be no loss to the Torah and great advantage to the workforce. There will be even empty shtenders available for real learners.
To clarify: HKBH is showing us that our salvation is not from the USA, and not from the Zionist Government. Only from HKBH Himself, bimhaira b’yameinu. B’Nissan Nigalu, U’b’Nissan Asidin L’hi’gael.
We are in a month of simcha and geula. We are in Moshe Rabbeinu’s month! This is just noise. First, the noise of ALL the 70 wolves passing a UN resolution against Israel. Now the noise of Supreme Court ruling against Toras Moshe by fulfilling
אין בן דוד בא, עד
שתכלה פרוטה מן הכיס
It is time for בן דוד בא to silence the noise.
This is why judicial reform was so important over there. How you have unelected hotshot bureaucrats deciding what the law should be is ridiculous. Just because they don’t like a law it doesn’t mean that it can’t be the law of the country if that’s what the law is.
chanie315: In Europe the deal was that the government (usually a monarchy, led by a king who wasn’t especially religious) funded an established church, and in return the church saw itself as a government agency whose primary function was doing what the government wanted (independent religious groups were considered subversive).
The Zionists (e.g. Ben Gurion) wanted the same deal in Israel: a compliant religious establishment that would teach patriotism, and loyalty to the state in general, and to the Labor Zionists in particular – and who would be funded by the state in return for non-involvement with politics (or rather, supporting what the politicians told them to support). It didn’t work out since the Hareidim and the Religious Zionists had not intention of being good atheist socialists.
From the point of view of the Israeli ruling class, which is militantly secular though no longer socialist, both the Hareidim and the “fanatic” religious zionists are very subversive. It isn’t enough that the government stops funding them – to survive the government needs to crush them and much to their horror, they have discovered that they can’t.
chasid613/chanie315 – (same person?). Very sad. So you are okay with stopping to fund Torah by Sunday. Unfortunately, You are on the side that never had the opportunity to see and appreciate the glory of Torah. Hashem should help that the entire Klal Yisroel learn to appreciate the value and glory of our nation, the value of Torah and those who study it, and the value of Talmidei Chachomim, bimheira byomeinu – speedily in our days.
I guarantee the great yeshivos in Europe were not funded by the government. Since when does klal Yisrael need the government to fund yeshivos?!
To chasid613:
This has nothing to do with name calling etc. These Supreme Justices are grown people that hate us with a passion. As Rabbi Akiva (the Tannah) said.
it is too bad that they havent seen the open nissim that have been happening to Klal Yisroel. And we all fear that if Limud Hatorah is lessened or weakened, we will see and feel the consequences. Let the Supreme Cout justices pay a shiva visit and tell the parents they are the cause of their child/spouse/family member/friend dying.
It’s nice that the government have been funding yeshivos and kollel all this time, but I do wonder what the chiyuv is that makes them into such reshaim when they stop, particularly when the recipients publicly despise the government and frequently call the police “Nazis”. I would also stop donating to mosdos that treated me like that.
just like the evil left in americaa started up with trump and it is backfiring
same the even eviler left in israel aka by chazal as the eirev rav, will backfire too.
please leave us a link for us to have the zchus in place of the reashaim for funding torat eretz yisroel.
pls open a central fund immediately to replenish the exact amount the evildoers have renegged on
thank you