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Sensitive Military Site Damaged By Hezbollah Suicide Drone, IDF Confirms

The IDF confirmed on Thursday that a sensitive military site near Tiveria was hit by a suicide drone launched by Hezbollah on Wednesday evening.

The site that was damaged is an Air Force base that houses and operates the Sky Dew (טל שמיים) aerostat, a high-altitude observation balloon that differs from a blimp by the tethers that attaches it to the ground, and is used to detect long-range incoming missiles and drones. The base is located near the Golani Junction in the Lower Galil and is about 21 miles (35 kilometers) from the Israeli-Lebanese border. The attack was one of Hezbollah’s deepest strikes into Israeli territory since the war began, with the deepest strike until Wednesday reaching nine miles (15 kilometers) from the border.

The IDF said that after Hezbollah fired two suicide drones at the Tiveria area, one was shot down by air defenses, sparking a fire, and the second one hit the facility housing the Sky Dew. The IDF is still assessing the extent of the damage. Some details of the incident are still under a gag order.

In response to the attack, IAF jets carried out a significant strike on a Hezbollah precision-guided missile production facility in the Baalbek region of Lebanon.

IDF strikes in the Baalbek region of Lebanon.

Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack on Wednesday evening, stating that it targeted an IAF surveillance system on a military base near Tiveria.

On Tuesday, an IDF observation balloon was hit by an anti-tank missile in a Hezbollah attack of the Galil that also killed an Israeli father of three and injured five soldiers.

Hezbollah continued to launch rockets and drones at at the Galil on Thursday morning.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. For 7 months the IDF keeps hitting Hezbollah bases, but they still manage to shoot missiles and drones and inflict damage – WHEN WILL THEY ADMIT, THE IDF IS POWERLESS AND ALL IS IN HANDS OF HASHEM?!

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