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BITTERSWEET JOY: Almanah Of Fallen Israeli Soldier Gives Birth To Baby Boy

Just six months after her husband, Rabbi Na’aran Eshchar, was killed in a military operation on Israel’s northern border, Tsuf Eshchar has given birth to a healthy baby boy. The new arrival is the couple’s third child.

Rabbi Eshchar, a 32-year-old father of two, was a Rebbi at the hesder yeshiva in Shadmot Mechola. He was also a selfless individual who donated a kidney to a stranger just four months before his passing. Despite being barred from reserve duty due to his kidney donation, he fought to overturn the ban and ultimately succeeded.

Rabbi Eshchar and Sergeant First Class (res.) Yinon Fleishman, lost their lives in October 2023 when their tank overturned on Israel’s northern border during military operations.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. This article helps to explain why I have not listened to music in 220+ days.

    It is not only because of our people being held hostage by Hamas terrorists.

    It is also because this war has killed many innocent and praiseworthy Jewish soldiers who died (HYD) defending our sacred land from genocidal Hamas terrorists.

    It is also because this war has made hundreds of our innocent and praiseworthy Jewish women and children into widows and orphans.

    It is also because this war has made thousands of our innocent and praiseworthy Jewish brothers and sisters, who live in our sacred land, into refugees and poor people.

    It is also because this war has made thousands of our innocent and praiseworthy Jewish brothers and sisters, who live in our sacred land, unable to sleep at night.

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