Attorney-General Orders IDF: “Start Sending Draft Orders To Non-Working Bnei Yeshivos”

Beis Medrash. (Shuki Lehrer) IDF soldiers. (IDF spokesperson)

Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara on Wednesday ordered the IDF to immediately begin sending draft orders to non-working bnei yeshivos, Kikar H’Shabbat reported.

The IDF, not wanting to lock horns with the Chareidi community, began fulfilling the orders of the Supreme Court to draft Chareidim by sending draft orders to bochurim who are not learning full-time and are already working. Earlier this month, the IDF sent 1,000 draft orders, almost all to working Chareidim, and in recent days, the IDF’s personnel department has been preparing to send another 1,000 draft orders, also to working Chareidim.

However, Baharav-Miara is determined to continue her warpath to create chaos in Israeli society and bring down the right-wing government. On Wednesday, her office sent a letter to the IDF ordering it to immediately begin sending draft orders to all bochurim without differentiation “in the name of equality.”

The letter states that the “violation of the principle of equality in this context would amount to selective enforcement and will constitute a serious defeciency in the exercise of discretion by the command.”

The Gedolei Yisrael, both Ashkenazi and Sephardi, have ordered yeshiva bochurim not to report to draft centers, not even for the first summons.

HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman, Zakein Chevrei Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, has repeatedly said that according to his father-in-law Rabbeinu HaGadol HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Menachem Shach, z’tl, “a gezeirah of the recruitment of bnei hayeshivos is a gezeiras shmad [שמד] and it’s necessary to be moser nefesh for it like it’s explained in the Shulchan Orech Yoreh De’ah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Yep, this is probably something the IDF should be busy with right now when the entire region seems about to blow up. Perhaps the idiotic AG should go to sleep for a few months, she’d benefit the country and it’s safety much more while asleep.

  2. Could some of the enlightened liberal Jews on this site explain why, in a ‘Democracy’, can’t the Prime Minister fire the AG?

  3. The Zionists are cutting off the only branch on which rests their idolatrous massive rebellion against G-d, His Torah and His beloved people. The Zionist idol will soon be history.

  4. This woman is amalek and needs to be dealt with. I never saw someone in my life that is this against Judaism and So Pro Arab. They should throw her in the trunk of a car and take her to her friends

  5. This woman is from amalek, her entire life is controlled by the Satan and to be an enemy of the Jews. They should give her a taste of her own medicine and throw her into khan younis and let them rip her apart

  6. @emetsealofhashem – you may disagree with Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman, but you should not use language like that to refer to a Talmid Chacham – even when you think he’s wrong.

    an Israeli Yid

  7. a Zionist Yid:
    He did not specify any name in his post so, presumably, he was referring to the Zionist AG, not CH”V to the gedolim.

  8. Reb Emes: Are you referencing the right wing MKs and those from the religious parties who continue to argue that chareidim should not have to serve in the security forces and others (secular Israelis) should risk their lives to protect Chareidim and all other segments of the tzibur. If so, I totally agree with your position that they should be “throw into khan younis and let them be ripped apart”. Time is over that some families are burying their children or waiting to hear if they are still alive while others claim an entitlement to avoid military service.

  9. @Gadolhadorah: the fact that too many families are burying their children is a tragedy indeed – removing Bochrim and Avreichim from learning Torah will NOT improve the situation just worsen it MANY TIMES over choliloh.
    The whole country is on edge, what are Iran and Hizbollah going to do, as they CAN destroy the whole country choliloh – THE ONLY PROTECTION WE HAVE ARE THE BOCHRIM AND AVREICHIM LEARNING TORAH!

  10. “in the name of equality”, draft the non- Jewish citizens of Israel who are enjoying the welfare, paid education and aren’t serving in the IDF nor studying Torah!!!

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