Chareidim Working to Find a Solution to Deri Porush Race

porush.jpgInterestingly, the United Torah Judaism Party was too busy worrying about the coalition agreement between Agudah and Degel HaTorah to ever consider the Sephardic chareidi community may entertain running its own candidate.

To the surprise of [almost] everyone, Aryeh Deri has done just that, placing the entire chareidi mayoral race into a political turmoil as Meir Porush, who was seen as a sure sale, is now pondering his next move – realizing with Deri in the race, who enjoys the support of Rav Ovadia Shlita, his chances of becoming the capital’s next mayor are significantly less than prior to Deri’s entry into the arena. Deri would attract not just the chareidi Sephardim, but also the Sephardim who consider themselves ‘traditional’ and even those who are totally secular.

There are now askanim busying themselves with trying to sign Porush and Deri on a rotation agreement, to split the mayoral term, in the hope of placing the two mayoral hopefuls on the same ticket instead of opposite one another. While it is not certain that legal idiosyncrasies will permit Deri to run, they are acting on the assumption that he will indeed be permitted to enter the race, a reality that will all but eliminate Porush’s chances of entering Jerusalem City Hall.

Aides to both candidates confirm the report — that the efforts towards a rotation agreement are ongoing, but it does not appear that either is cooperating at this juncture.

Deri’s race to City Hall may be a difficult one, a race that will most likely involve petitions to the Supreme Court by his opponents, who vow to do all they can to prevent him from becoming the next mayor of the capital of the Jewish People.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. #1
    i don’t think i ever heard this so good. short and to the point & 100% true. i always knew dri will be back in politics one day, and big time. the one’s who fear him have good reason.

  2. Arye Deri has unbelievable charisma amoung the Israelis. He has a “super star” power amoung the voters. So I agree that if there is no alliance, R’ Porush does not have a chance.

  3. I consider Deri an Oslo criminal and should be tried for treason. Yarmulka or not he sold out klal yisrael for his own personal gain.

  4. The sad truth may be that Arcadi would actually be the best for the chareidim. For example he’s the only one that on the record said he would end the shame parade – and I believe he would! You don’t mess with Arcadi. The other chareidi candidates all seem to pander to the left just to show they are “fair to everyone.” I’m not sure who I will vote for.

  5. Will there be a Yerushalayim left to be Mayor of?
    Shas has sworn to bring down the coalition if Jerusalem wqas negotiated.
    The Arab world and the US Consul in Jerusalem Mr. Walles as well as Olmert himself have told the media that such a deal was almost signed between Olmert and Abbas.
    Has Shas allowed Yerushalayim to be divided by their staying in the coalition?
    Will there be more than a few streets left to be mayor of?

  6. The only proper solution is for Porush to withdraw and announce his support for Deri. The present mayor of Jerusalem, Lupolianski, is an excellent mayor and there was no reason whatsoever to replace him. Porush has clearly shown that he is not interested in what is best for the people of Jerusalem but is only interested in what is best for himself and his political machine.

    The position of mayor of Jerusalem is not some sort of honorarium but one of the most visible and important administrative jobs in the Jewish world. Lupolianski as mayor of Jerusalem has been a KEDUSH HASHEM. He is respected and admired by all segments of the Jewish and Goyish world. His being booted out by a third rate, political machine boss does not add honor to the Jewish people.

  7. My rabbonim hold that it’s absolutely forbidden to participate in the elections.

    But if I would be allowed, I’d go for Deri for sure.

  8. Deri is a born leader and a genius politician.
    As some of the comments correctly state: Deri will lead the whole nation not just his party.

    This is why he is such a big threat to the Government. They know that he cares about his people and he will gain popularity as he did in the past.
    Next step will be the race for Prime Minister IYH!

  9. #1: I think you are totally on the ball. Its true that all the charedi parties try to do is get money for themselves and are looked at by the rest of the government parties as just money they woudl have to give to get their votes. They dont really take the lead on issues. Chas Veshalom I am not diminishing the word of the gedolim who run the parties or diminish the importance of that money, but I think am just sexpaling the way the frum parties are perceived.
    Its because of this leadership direction that Rav Deri was taking before he was thrown out was probably why the chilonim were so scared of him. It wasn;t just that Sephardim loved this guy, EVERONE loved him and that includes arabs and chilonim as well and he was able to sucessfuly pool together the entire Sephardic vote which is huge at this point and which Rav Yishai has been unable to do. This was maybe the reason Rab Shach ztl. aapointed hi to start Shas? To show Israel that proper leadership is with Torah values? The real Chilonim are probably freaking out right now that hes even thinking of a comeback!

  10. to #3

    Rabbi Deri’s actions in the past suggest an idea that the Hareidim should be moving, like a “normal” party, towards leading the Jewish community of Eretz Yisrael. That means taking responsibility for all aspects of governance, rather than agreeing to let the Hiloni (be they Zionists or Post-Zionists) run things, and simply negotiate benefits for the frum community. The Ashkenazi frum parties, and Shas since Deri was removed from office on trumped up charges, has largely conceeded Eretz Yisrael to the “Post-Zionists” (secular, unJewish, western, such as Olmert and friends) and limited themselves to “frum issues” and getting benefits from frum Jews.

  11. Long Live Porush! He is the man that the Gedolim chose without hesitation to represent the klal in the Knesset, he did a wonderful job, now is the time to shape up (continue the work that Rabbi Lupliansky did…) the capital of the world – our capital city! –

  12. Meir Porush, who was seen as a sure sale!!!!!

    THAT IS REALLY FUNNY, he was never seen as a sure sale rather a sale for the winner Nir.

  13. #1 akuperma

    I’m just wondering if there’s another reader on this site that has a clue what it is you are trying to say, let alone share your sentiments.

  14. There is a fundamental ideological difference between Deri and the rest of the Hareidi world. R. Deri as an attitude which will lead to Hareidim attempting to forge and lead a coalition that will challenge the Hiloni Post-Zionists for control of the state (which is realistic if the old-style zionists feel their cause is lost, and decide that someone like R. Deri is better than the Olmert/Livni/Barak/Beilin alternatives). Most of the rest of the Hareidim politicians want patronage for their community, but are resigned to never playing a leadership role in the country.
    While the rabbanim involved are all friends, their is a real funadmental ideological difference (which has nothing to do with who can “out frum” whom).

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