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Jewish Driver Wounded in Shomron Shooting Attack

A Jewish man was targeted in a predawn shooting attack on Shabbos morning near the Shomron community of Alei Zahav, not far from Elkana. Arabs built a rock roadblock compelling the driver to halt, permitting the terrorist to aim and fire at the intended targeted. The wounded man was transported to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah.

In response to the attack, about 100 residents of Peduel, the neighboring community, and Alei Zahav entered the nearby Arab village of Kfar a-Dik on motzei Shabbos, deciding they would not take the attack sitting down. The army was quick to response to remove the Jews from the area.

Recently, Jews from the Shomron community of Yitzhar (reported HERE on YWN) entered an Arab village after a terrorist infiltrated their community early on a Shabbos morning, injuring a small child in a knife attack and setting a home ablaze. The terrorist escaped. The following week, the same terrorist was returning (reported HERE on YWN) with firebombs in hand, but he was detected and shot dead by IDF soldiers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


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