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Tragedy Strikes the Ashdod Gerrer Community

candle3.gifMrs. Shifra Spronovitz A”H, 45, the mother of 11, was niftar suddenly due to “complications”. Mrs. Spronovitz was the wife of Rav Avraham Mordechai, a prominent chossid, the daughter of Rav Eliyahu Levi.

According to a report quoting a close family friend on erev Shabbos, she complained of blurry vision on Wednesday and was taken to Tel Hashomer Hospital. Tests revealed a kidney-related problem and a decision was made to admit her for observation.

During the morning hours, she told her husband she did not feel well. Shortly thereafter she lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Her major bodily systems collapsed and she was niftar on erev Shabbos.

The report adds this is “the third tragedy to strike the Levi family,” adding Rav Eliyahu Levi is a prominent Gerrer chossid, among the founders of Yeshivas Imrei Emes and Chatzor HaGlilit and a found of Kiryat Gur in Kiryat Gat.

The nifteres was interred on erev Shabbos in the morning in Har Menuchos in Yerushalayim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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