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Eitam’s Achi Party May Merge With Likud

While Likud would not permit MK Effie Eitam to run on its roster, it appears willing to sign on a merger deal with Eitam’s Achi Party, which would deposit an additional NIS 12 million in election funding in the Likud’s operating budget.

If the deal is signed today, Wednesday, then Eitam and Rabbi Yitzchak Levy’s budget would transfer to Likud.

Those favoring the merger are hopeful the inclusion of the retired IDF brigadier-general will attract disgruntled right-wing Bayit Yehudi voters as that party works towards unifying factions. In addition, they feel it will push Moshe Feiglin even further down from his current 36th slot.

In the meantime, there are a number of decisions pending from district courts challenging the outcome of the Likud primaries.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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