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Rachminstrivka Chassidim Join Madoff Victims’ List

madoffnn3.jpgIt is now being revealed that the list of victims of the Bernard Madoff sting continues to grow, and in Eretz Yisrael, in additional to mosdos chinuch, hospitals, universities and many other organizations, there is the Rachminstrivka Chassidus in Yerushalayim.

According to a report, a dinner was scheduled to be held two weeks ago in the United States to raise funds for mosdos affiliated with the chassidus, but the event was canceled as a result of Madoff and the uncovering of his unprecedented fiscal scandal.

Madoff was among the guests of honor and his arrest and the unveiling of his diabolical monetary scheme was unfolded in the international media, the Rebbe Shlita ordered the fundraising event canceled, as well as his planned trip to the United States. The Rebbe is currently in Tiveria.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. are there enough tefilot in the world to offset this horrible stain on the Jewish community? Please Hashem, this isn’t who we are! Please save us and help us save ourselves from any further sorrow.

  2. A true example of Kabdeihu V’Chashdeihu.

    Another Guest of Honor honored stritly fo dirty gelt, instead of good deeds and dedication to the mosad.

  3. Sorry to dissapoint everyone. The trip and dinner were canceled way before anyone even knew who Madoff was. The rebbe was in Teveria for Shabbos and is back in Yerushalaim. This is a classical case of Rechilus, Loshon Hora and whatever else you can call it. Pity on all of us that we believe such a story without any verification. If we want a yeshua for Klal Yisroel we should stop believing gossip and start reading the Chofetz Chaims daily lessons.

  4. I am not sure it is proper for Jews to use the word diabolical it means from the devil which is a critstian concept. We belive in the Satan who is an angel of G-d they belive the devil is being unto itself who oppeses G-d. Although it use today is not neccerssery about the devil but just about wickedness.

  5. Majority of those who lost $$$$ thru Madoff were Jewish investors. It comes as no surprise when a new Yeshiva, Mosdah, Shul, college, hospital, etc. recognizes their lost. Terrible rachmanus and loss of resources so badly needed for Jewish causes.

  6. Doday its madoff, and who knows who is next,
    not everything that’s said to be good is good, not everything called TOV is realy TOV, today its in the USA, the next can be Israel, EU, Canada, or who knows,

  7. The gabbaim of Rachmastrivke were in NY in early November, even before Madoff, and were having a very hard time raising money for the mosdos (like all other tzedakos, unfortunately). It seems that the Rachmastrivke mosdos were hurting even before Madoff, although surely this doesn’t help.

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