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Shalit Will Not be Released in Olmert’s Term

It is now being reported that IDF soldier Gilad Shalit will not be released by Hamas during Ehud Olmert’s tenure.

The daily Yediot Achronot quoting “sources in Olmert’s inner circle” stated Gilad Shalit will not be released during Ehud Olmert’s tenure. Those involved in efforts to obtain the soldier’s release now feel they will not succeed in closing a deal with Hamas during the period left to Olmert in office, removing much of the recent optimism that a deal is imminent. There were statements released not too long ago that Shalit would be released before the general elections or at the latest, before Olmert steps down from office, but now, this unfortunately does not seem to be the case.

Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office have indicated that despite tenacious efforts to actualize Shalit’s release during the prime minister’s tenure, the government will not comply with all Hamas’ demands and some of the terrorists whose names appear on the list will not be released.

Olmert has briefed incoming Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who most believe will adopt a different approach to the Hamas negotiations when he is in office.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Give terrorist prisoners, Give more land, Divide Jerusalem, Open the borders. And we gave and we gave and we gave and we gave. And we cant even get one Gilad Shalit… Yes we need a new regime!

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