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NIS 70 Million for Public Buildings in Modi’in Illit

In a meeting of the Modi’in Illit Council, approval was announced for NIS 70 million for public buildings, having obtained the sum from various government agencies. The meeting also set down criteria for allocating land in the future for yeshivos and shuls. Mayor Rav Yaakov Guterman explained that by setting forth criteria, anyone wishing to establish a shul or yeshiva in the future must now adhere to the criteria set forth as per the guidelines of the municipality and Interior Ministry.

NIS 50 million will be allocated for construction of kindergartens, talmidei torah and schools. Another NIS 1.5 million has been allocated by the Interior Ministry towards replacing and adding to the water infrastructure in the city towards improving the quality of water. The council overwhelmingly approved NIS 2,207.000 for the construction of a public transportation depot as well as NIS 1,445,000 for daycare centers in Cheftziba. These funds will come from the Ministry of Industry & Trade.

In another major infrastructure project, NIS 5,300,000 was approved for a main water pumping station towards improving water pressure, particularly in Brachfeld. This source of this funding is the nation’s Water Authority and the Interior Ministry.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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