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Hamas Seniors Arrested by IDF Soldiers

Four of the 10 Hamas terrorists arrested by IDF soldiers in Yehuda and Shomron Wednesday night are reported to be “prominent figures” in the terrorist organization, including elected officials.

Israel in the past has incarcerated Hamas legislators in the hope of using them as negotiating pawns but to date, the move has not yielded much success. Israel this week seems to have decided to increase pressure on Hamas in the hope of compelling terrorists to agree to a prisoner release deal that will result in Gilad Shalit’s release. Earlier in the week, Ofer Dekel and Yuval Diskin returned from intensive talks in Cairo, reporting there is no deal on the table, explaining Hamas has reneged on previous agreements.

In a related matter, Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, announced on motzei Shabbos, marking 1,000 days since his son was taken captive in a cross-border attack in Kerem Shalom; he will abandon his tent outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, going home alone, without his son.

Hamas official Masher el-Matzri released a statement that the arrests of Hamas officials by Israel will only compel the organization to raise its demands for Shalit’s release.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. …and they say Jews are supposed to be great businessmen, – i.e. we know how to negotiate. The Israeli government doesn’t have a clue! I could suggest what to do (and it WOULD work) but what’s the use!?! Not only do Israeli “leaders” not operate with daas Torah, they don’t even operate with basic (secular) common sense!!! May Hash-m bring Gilad home safe to his family.

  2. You mean they won’t listen to some anonymous comentator on an important matter of national security?! Oh, the arrogance of them!!

  3. To #2 – as I myself said, BEING an “anonymous commentator” there is no use in even mentioning what to do because OBVIOUSLY they are not listening. In your rush to be obnoxious, you missed my point, which was that THEY are the supposed “leaders” of Israel, THEY are the supposed experts on the political and military issues of Israel, and THEY have no clue of how to handle things, not from a religious perspective, or even from a secular perspective. Even in this most recent war in Gaza they managed to “grasp defeat from the hands of victory” by prematurely stopping what could have been a decisive war with a decisive victory. Undoubtedly, before long we will be right back where we were before the war started, something ANY “anonymous commentator” with brains can see.

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