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More Swine Flu in Eretz Yisrael

It appears that it began from a relative who recently returned from the United States but five Kiryat Ono second graders are reportedly infected with swine flu. While some of the parents feel the school should be closed, the principal feels otherwise and classes in Rimonim School are operating on scheduled today, Sunday.

According to Health Ministry officials, there were 52 new cases diagnosed in Israel over the weekend and currently, 271 confirmed cases in Israel, adding in Kiryat Ono, only two of the students are confirmed as having the illness while eight others are suspected of contracting the virus. A soldier in the Golan Heights was brought to Ziff Hospital in Tzfas on Sunday morning, possibly becoming the first case in the north. He was in contact with someone confirmed with swine flu and is now exhibiting the signs and symptoms of the illness. IDF medical officials are also involved.

WHO officials report over 44,000 cases worldwide with 180 deaths.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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